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Angel Dust (specifically referred to as phencyclidine) has a very high overdose potential.

First of all, it exhibits both hallucinogenic and neurotoxic effects. Hallucinogens are substances that cause hallucinations; for instance, hearing voices or seeing objects that do not exist in "reality." Neurotoxins are, literally, "brain poisons;" their only function is to destroy neurological operation.

In simpler terms: Angel Dust, if it doesn't kill you, WILL cause permanent brain damage.

It used to be sold (in the 1920s-1950s) to pharmacies as a dissociative anesthetic. This means, it blocked pain by causing the brain to be unable to detect the pain receptors. The only problem is, it goes about doing so in a peculiar way which can be at least unpleasant, and at most, deadly.

Taking three times the threshold dose can cause convulsions, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, hallucinations, coma and death. A "threshold dose" is the smallest amount of a drug with which you can obtain a "high." To put that in perspective, it takes around 10 times the threshold dose of alcohol to kill you, a hundred times the threshold dose of caffeine to kill you, and over a MILLION times the threshold dose of LSD to kill you (if it actually kills at all...I'll let you do the research on that, it's astounding...OR, you can post it in a question, and I'll answer it detail by detail for ya. ;-)

Put's VERY easy to overdose, especially if you don't know the chemist who produced your so-called "Angel Dust." I say so-called, because most of the time, street drugs are improperly labeled. You might buy "angel dust" which is actually cocaine, amphetamines, or something else entirely.

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