

Does Athena have weapons

Updated: 9/26/2023
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She is often pictured with a spear (and shield) in artwork.

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Q: Does Athena have weapons
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How old was Athena when she got her weapons?

Athena was born from the head of Zeus with armor and weapons made by Metis.

Do Athena have weapons?

Yes, as the goddess of war, she had a few weapons. One was her spear

What is Athena is role in greek mythology?

Athena is the Greek goddess of warfare, weapons, and wisdom. Apart from Ares, which is the Greek God of War

What are Athena's weapons?

Her weapons are her fathers,Zeus, shield that had the head of Medusa on it and could paralyze her enemies if they looked at it. the thunderbolt and the sword and the sheld

Does the goddess Athena carry any weapons?

Athena usually carried an Aigis clock, shield and spear. The spear was called a pallein, Athena was connected with various personas called Pallas so much so her name could be rendered as Pallas Athena.

What weapons did perseus have and who gave them to him?

A helmet of invisibility - From Hades Winged sandals - From Hermes Wisdom - From Athena

What Weapons or special items did Perseus use in his myths?

A shield and winged shoes by Hermes and sword by Athena.

What are weapons of Athena goddess of war?

I only know of one right off the top of my head: Arrows.

Who cracked Zeus' head open?

Athena, she burst forth from his forehead fully armed with weapons given by her mother

Why was Athena allowed to use all of Zeus' weapons?

because she was his favourite child and he thinks she was born a warrior as she came out of his head

What is Athena's weaopn?

athenas weapons are her father, Zeus, and a shield that had the head of Medusa on it, and could paralyze any of her eminmes if they looked at it.

How was Erichthonius and Hephaestus SonDaughter related to Athena?

It's an interesting story. Athena visited Hephaestus once to ask for some weapons, but he thought that she had come to seduce him, and he attempted to rape her. Athena managed to escape, and Hephaestus ended up fertilizing the earth. Later, Erichthonius was born, and Athena hid the baby in a box and gave it to the three daughters of Cecrops.