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Q: Does Body heat escape through the ears?
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How earmuffs work?

Earmuffs work by keeping the heat from your ears near your ears, instead of letting it escape into the air. Most of your body heat escapes from your head and feet. Covering your ears helps to warm your entire body.

Why child's ears heat up suddenly?

body heat is released primarily through head, face, ears, hands and feet.

How do you keep a jackrabbit from overheating?

Cold wet towel on ears or body, have the bunny lay next to bottle of frozen water,Ears are where a rabbit expels heat , but lying next to a frozen bottle will help too!

Is it true or false that alcohol lets heat escape the body?

Alcohol helps heat escape the body.

How does the size of a fox's ear help it maintain body temperature?

The larger their ear is, the more heat will escape their body and they'll become cooler. A desert fox lives in hot climates, so it has large ears. An arctic fox has small ears, so it would have less heat escaping its body.

Which elephant uses heat the fastest using ears African or Asian elephant?

The African elephant cools down by letting all the heat escape from the blood vessels through the thin skin of its ear.

Why do Arctic foxes have small ears?

Arctic Foxes have smaller ears because they need to retain heat. They live in cold weather so their bodies naturally need to be smaller to retain heat and their ears are smaller because they lose body heat through their ears, therefore if their ears are smaller less heat is lost and they will not be as cold.

What is the heat escape lessening designed to prevent?

the loss of body heat when in the water

Why do pigs have small ears?

Polar bears have small ears so they do not lose much heat from their bodies. Like your head and feet, heat can be lost through our ears. Their smaller ears help them keep all the heat they can get in their chilly arctic environments.

Why do fennecs have big ears?

The fennec has large ears for detecting possible prey or predator species. They also allow the fennec to reduce the body heat because the blood passes close to the surface of the skin through their ears. Remember a larger surface area allows more heat loss.

What is the heat escape lessening position h.e.l.p designed to prevent?

The loss of body heat when in the water

Do fennecs have body parts to survive?

yes they use their ears to radiate body heat.