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Q: Does Bougainvillea have to be grown in shade?
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Is Folgers coffee shade grown?

Their comment when in called was..they have too may farmers providing so they have no idea if their coffee is shade-grown or sun-grown i think i will shop around.

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Shade grown coffee provides habitats for birds and protects soil from erosion.

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Carrots prefer a sunny site, but they can be grown in partial shade.

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they are shady

What is scientific name of bougainvillae?

The scientific name of bougainvillea is Bougainvillea spp.

What are the social and environmental benefits of shade grown bananas?

they are shady

Is an bougainvillea plant a monocot or dicot?

no...Bougainvillea is a dicot

What is the scientific name for bougainvillea?

The genus (or first part of the scientific name) for bougainvillea is actually "bougainvillea." There are several species, including Bougainvillea glabra, which if you are in the southern United States, this is most likely the horticultural species you will find.If in South America, there are species called Bougainvillea peruviana and Bougainvillea spinosa.Bougainvillea glabra

What is bougainvillea in tagalog?

Actually there is no exact equivalent for Bougainvillea in Tagalog language.