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Calypso as daughter of Atlas would have for uncles the brothers of Atlas:

Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoitios.

Her brother would be Hyas or Hyes, although the mother of Calypso is unknown, and the mother of Hyes is Pleione or Aethra, daughter of Oceanus.

By the hero Odysseus, Calypso had sons : Latinus (meaning, the Latin) or a son named

Telegonos or Teledamos (who is otherwise a son of Circe and Odysseus), or two sons named Nausithoos and Nausinoos.

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She had twin sons by Odysseus named Nausithous and Nausinous. Her father was Oceanus.

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Q: Does Calypso have a cousin or ANY male relative?
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Being a cousin is a biological relationship that cannot be changed. You can, however, ignore a cousin whom you do not like, just as you can any other person yo don't like.

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== No, a first cousin twice removed is a fairly close relative from a genetics perspective. The grandchild of your first cousin would be this relative. == Whether any particular cousin is a distant relative or a near relation is mostly a matter of how you and your family choose to define the terms. Some families have no knowledge of the grand children of their cousins and consider them distant relatives. Some families see them every day and consider them close relations.

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The story of Calypso IS as myth, see the related link I will make below for the details.

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No, not really. A male being attracted to another is normal (homosexual). But when a male is attracted to another male in his family, it's considered to be Abnormal. This is because if there was any sexual contact between the two it would be incest and illegal.

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Calypso wasn't on any side. She was trapped on her island. Odysseus sailed onto her island and stayed with her for many years. He fought in the Trojan war, but Calypso never was on a side.

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