

Does Canada have a more collective culture than the us?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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If by collective culture you mean tending to view ourselves as member of a group rather than individual then the short easy answer is yes.

The longer answer would have to take into account that multi-generational Canadians are soon to be a minority in Canada and should no longer be considered "Canadian" culture except in an historical sense.

First, Second third generation, and sometimes even 10th or 20th generation Canadians are not discouraged from identifying first with their country of origin and culture of origin and are not encouraged to adopt one of the many multi-generational cultures that have existed in Canada for sometimes hundreds of years.

Canada is traditionally made up of loose cultures with high acceptance of others, those cultures to be successful in the harsh climate and remote lands needed to have a collective nature. Yet most of Canada is comprised of people from much tighter cultures where collectivism is to be kept within their culture and not extended to others. This is a necessity for cultures under pressure from other culutres due to limited resources, geography or even out right hostility.

The USA with a larger population and less hostile climate tended to encourage more individualism but in the larger picture the two countries are very similar. Both have large welfare states, large social governments and a feeling of responsibility toward their neigbours regardless of who they are.

I would suggest that both are trending away from a wide spread collectivism while at the same time rejecting or simply losing the connection to the ideas or rights of the individual.

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