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No, or at least they shouldn't. Actually, if you go to a well versed church, you will discover that it is simply taught to live Christ like, which means to love ALL people regardless of their race, culture, religion, etc. They should teach to respect others and their beliefs. Unfortunately, those who are ignorant to anything outside of Christianity will typically hate what they don't know. Now, as a Christian, I will say that we do believe that you are saved by grace through Jesus Christ, therefore, if you do not believe in Jesus as your savior you are not saved.

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Q: Does Christianity teach that other religions are evil?
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If Satanism is a real religion with morals etc like any other one why does no one stand up for it when people call it evil?

Because the majority of other religions teach Satan to be evil and no one seems to question this. Also, many sick people have done shameful things in the name of Satan, however this is just a cover up of their own evil, an excuse. I think you'll find, if researched, Satanism is a much kinder, tamer religion than for example Christianity. I think that you will also find that most things people have labelled to be Satanic, e.g-blood sacrifices, are ideas conjured up by Christians and other religions. In a religion there has to be good and evil-people just needed a deity to label as evil so they took the worlds most worshipped ancient religions, namely Paganism and such like, and labelled it as evil. Sadly, even today Satanists are looked down upon and labelled as evil simply because of ignorance.

What is Satans name?

"Satan" is a common name used to refer to the devil or the personification of evil in various religious traditions, particularly in Christianity. In other religions, such as Islam, he is known as Iblis.

What are the essential differences between Christianity and other religions?

There is no essential difference between Christianity and other religions.Christianity is monotheistic, but so are Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and other religions;The Christian Trinity is three persons in one God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but very similarly, the Hindu godhead is three gods in one godhead - Brahma, vishnu and Shiva;Jesus is both human and divine, but so were godmen of the ancient pagan religions;Jesus was crucified, but so were some of the gods and goddesses worshipped in ancient times;Christianity teaches the existence of heaven and hell, but so do Islam and Zoroastrianism;Christianity teaches that Jesus will return at the end of time to defeat evil and for the final judgement, but Zoroastrianism also teaches that the Saoshyant will return at the end of time to defeat evil and for the final judgement;Christians believe that theirs is the only true religion, but followers of other religions believe that theirs are the only true religions;Christianity has been extraordinarily successful, especially during colonial times, but so has Islam - they are now the two largest religions in the world.

What are the religions of evil?

There is no definitive list of religions that are considered "religions of evil," as perceptions of evil vary among individuals and cultures. However, certain religious or spiritual groups have been criticized or associated with evil acts or beliefs by some people, such as certain sects of Satanism or extremist interpretations of religious texts. It is important to note that these perceptions are subjective and not representative of the vast majority of followers of these religions.

Why is witchcraft bad?

Because they aren't good but cast evil on the world because they find humans easy Target's.Another responseThe term "witchcraft" can mean a number of different things. People often speak of witchcraft when talking about evil magic, usually involving women who are not under the control of a husband, father or other male authority. When used this way, "witchcraft" is a figment of the imagination or a false accusation. People are afraid of strangers or of people who are strange, and so they accuse that person of witchcraft."Witchcraft" is also used as an insult when talking of religious traditions other than the major institutional religions, especially Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These traditions, unfortunately, teach that there is only one "right" religion and all other religions are evil. Consequently, anyone who is not part of the major religion is considered evil and often believed to practice witchcraft.Before Christianity, Islam and Judaism were widely practiced in Europe, the people in Europe practiced different varieties of nature-based religions. Today, people practicing those religions are called Neo-Pagan or Wiccan. They are condemned as evil by the major religions.

Compare the three western religions in respect to good versus evil?

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all regard good as God's will, and all say that those who perform God's will are to be rewarded in heaven. Christianity and Islam go further, saying that those who do evil will go to hell. Judaism and Christianity regard humans as having free will to do good or evil, while Muslims are more likely to believe that one is subject to one's fate. Christians and Muslims regard Satan as the evil adversary of God, seeking to tempt people to perform evil, while Jews see Satan as the loyal assistant of God, tasked with testing the righteousness of the faithful All three religions are faced with what philosophers call the problem of evil. If the universe was created by a God who is all-knowing, all-powerful and perfectly good, then there ought to be no evil in the world. Over the centuries, theologians have struggled with this dilemma, attempting to explain the existence of both God and evil.

Who believe the devil?

Most of the Abrahamic religions believe in the devil. Many other religions believe in some form of "manifestation" of evil. All spiritual paths understand the concepts of good/evil, right/wrong, but not all of them have a single entity that manifests these aspects.

Who believes in the devil?

Most of the Abrahamic religions believe in the devil. Many other religions believe in some form of "manifestation" of evil. All spiritual paths understand the concepts of good/evil, right/wrong, but not all of them have a single entity that manifests these aspects.

What is the difference between contemporary religions and Zoroastrianism?

There are major differences between the Christian God and Ahura-Mazda, the supreme being of Zoroastrianism. The latter is not all powerful and is on a par with Angra-Mainyu, the evil spirit. In Christianity, God is all powerful and all good and Satan is limited in power and all evil. Ahura Mazda is aloof, while the Christian God is approachable and loving. Christianity offers an answer to sin, while Zoroastrianism does not. Zoroastrianism also involves occult practices which are not acceptable in Christianity

Does belief in doomsday exists in all religions?

No. It is most common in Christianity. And that came mostly from Zoroastrianism's dual good and evil gods and their final battle, through apocalyptic post Babylonian captivity Judaism.

Why do religious believers use symbolism?

To keep away from maya or satan or devil. To warn evil that we are servants of God