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There are major differences between the Christian God and Ahura-Mazda, the supreme being of Zoroastrianism. The latter is not all powerful and is on a par with Angra-Mainyu, the evil spirit. In Christianity, God is all powerful and all good and Satan is limited in power and all evil. Ahura Mazda is aloof, while the Christian God is approachable and loving.

Christianity offers an answer to sin, while Zoroastrianism does not.

Zoroastrianism also involves occult practices which are not acceptable in Christianity

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If modern Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the religions intended by the term "contemporary religions", there are many similarities and some differences.

Both the Abrahamic religions and Zoroastrianism are monotheistic, worshipping an all-powerful and supreme God. In each case, there is belief in heaven, or paradise, as a reward for good and hell as a punishment for evil, although Judaism differs most from the other three religions in its view of hell. Also, Judaism does not believe in a saviour who will return at the end of days, to fight evil and herald the final judgement, whereas Christianity and Zoroastrianism do.

An important difference is the Zoroastrian reverence for the four elements of fire, earth, wind and water. Zoroastrian temples maintain a perpetual fire that is never allowed to be extinguished, while traditionally the dead can neither be burnt in fire, nor buried.

Of course, the Abrahamic religions worship God, while Zoroastrians worship Ahura Mazda, but the ancient Persians said that it does not matter what you call Ahura Mazda, as long as you worship him.

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