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No.There's only are series 1 shooting scripts

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Q: Does Doctor Who series 2 the shooting scripts exist?
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Does The Doctor exist?

No. The character is fictional The head of drama, Canadian Sydney Newman, was mainly responsible for developing the programme, with the first format document for the series being written by Newman along with the head of the script department (later head of serials) Donald Wilson and staff writer C. E. Webber. Writer Anthony Coburn, story editor David Whitaker and initial producer Verity Lambert also heavily contributed to the development of the series

Is there going to be another Doctor on Doctor Who?

Yes. A new actor will be introduced as the new Doctor after Matt Smith leaves in the 2013 Christmas special. A Time Lord is, according to the show, able to regenerate thirteen times. We're currently on the eleventh regeneration (played by Matt Smith), so, yes, eventually we will have at least two more Doctors. There is some debate about whether or not they will continue the show after the thirteenth Doctor's death; there's a possibility that the writers will go against the history of the show and find a way for him to regenerate again, or maybe they'll just pass on the Doctor's legacy to a son we don't know about or a worthy companion. It should be noted that in the series itself it has been strongly indicated since at least 1983 that 13 is not a hard and fast rule. In The Five Doctors and the 2007 episode The Sound of Drums it was indicated that the High Council of Time Lords had the ability to reset the regeneration cycle, as this was offered (and later given) to the Master. The Master also used various methods to gain more lives after his original 13. More recently, Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat and David Tennant have all downplayed the significance of the 13, and it is assumed it will simply be ignored when the time comes; for those who feel canon must be adhered to, the above reference to the High Council controlling regenerations provides the out: they no longer exist, therefore the 13-life cap no longer exists. In the Sarah Jane Adventures story "Death of the Doctor", the Doctor says he can regenerate 507 times. This was intended as a joke, according to Davies, but could end up being more the case down the line. One thing for sure - if Doctor Who remains as popular as it is now in 5-10 years when the actor or actress playing the 13th Doctor decides to leave the series, there is no way the series will end. They'll either ignore the limit completely, or "hand wave" it away. The introduction of a previously unknown incarnation of the Doctor in "The Name of the Doctor" - which could render the Doctor who follows Matt Smith at the end of the 2013 Christmas special as the 13th Doctor - has also increased the likelihood that a workaround will be used to avoid the limit. As of 2013, Doctor Who remains BBC Worldwide's top moneymaking series; they will not end it anytime soon.

What would it be like if space didnt exist?

We wouldn't know because if space didn't exist earth wouldn't exist and if earth didn't exist we wouldn't exist! So there you go there is your answer.

Do rainbows exist?

Rainbows do exist, yes.

Did Zeus really exist?

He does exist like God

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Is Doctor Who real?

No, Doctor Who does not really exist. He is only a character in the BBC science-fiction series, Doctor Who.

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They do exist!

Who plays the new Doctor Who in 2010?

Starting in April of 2010 and continuing into 2011, the actor playing The Doctor in the TV series 'Doctor Who' is Matt Smith.It is unconfirmed who will replace Matt, or when he will be replaced. Rumours exist around Matt leaving, including him leaving on an also rumoured 50th anniversary episode in 2013, and him leaving at the end of the 2011 series.

Where can you find full Shakespeare scripts?

My other had a book of Shakespere from when she was in college, so they exist. I would check Amazon or Ebay.

Can you get LEGO Doctor Who?

Currently Lego Doctor Who does not exist. (As of 2012).

Is it possible for life to exist on a shooting star?

No one will ever know without visiting one but humans can't live on shooting stars.

Does the doctor who episode Marco Polo exist?

Doctor Who is unique in that all of its missing episodes survive in audio form, recorded off-air by fans at home. Stills or short video clips have been found for several missing episodes. All 1970s episodes also exist visually in some form, which is not the case for several other series. There are many doctor who fans out there including me!

What happened to Skaro that made it cease to exist in Doctor Who?

As far as I know, the planet Skaro continues existing in the series; in fact, it appears in some of the latest episodes (in the ninth series).(On the other hand, the planet Gallifrey disappeared from our Universe - perhaps you have been confusing the planets.)

Does the tardis exist?

No. I wish the tardis does exists and doctor. :(

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Do midichloriants exist?

No, they are a fictional invention of the Star Wars series.