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You might not feel the baby as early as you would feel a child who does not have Down syndrome. However, the fetus will move at about 14 weeks. One interesting fact a lot of people do not know is that most women who are carrying a Down syndrome child never experience any morning sickness whatsoever.

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Q: Does Down syndrome affect the movement of the fetus in the womb?
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Related questions

Is there a prenatal diagnosis or test for Down syndrome?

Yes there are examination that can determine that a fetus has down syndrome.. called amniocentesis.

Are fetuses with Down syndrome active?

Yes, any fetus is active. It doesn't matter if the child has down syndrome or not.

Can Down Syndrome be prevented by testing couples blood?

No. Parents of Down Syndrome typically are normal genetically and there is no test for parents to determine the possibility of a Down Syndrome offspring. There are no known external factors that are known to contribute to Down Syndrome. It is possible to test for Down Syndrome in the fetus.

What type of picture would a biologist look at to determine whether a fetus has Down syndrome?

a Karyotype

What race does Down syndrome affect?

Down Syndrome affects all races. Down Syndrome does not affect all races evenly its affects Mexicans more than any one else. Hispanics have larger numbers of live births suffering from Down Syndrome because they do not terminate their DS pregnancies, like other races do.

Does down syndrome affect any organs?

It Could Do.

How did down syndrome affect stephane ginnsz?

it didn't.....she just had a slower time processing things...all down syndrome people do...

What is with Becky on Glee?

Becky Jackson suffers from Down's Syndrome, a condition in which an extra 21st chromosome is given to a developing fetus.

If you have a slow-growing fetus could that be due to Down syndrome?

You really need to talk to your maternity care provider about this as there are so many different reasons why a fetus may be on the small side.

Is it legal for people with down syndrome to marry?

No! If someone has Down syndrome, he or she was born with it. It happens when the fetus develops an extra chromosome.

Where does Down syndrome affect the most?

It is found in all places the same.

Is it politically correct to call someone 'Down syndrome'?

It is acceptable to say that someone has Down Syndrome, although it may not be necessary to say it since the syndrome does have a characteristic affect on facial features which can be observed.