

Does ESTAN have an accent

Updated: 9/20/2023
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No it does not.

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Q: Does ESTAN have an accent
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Translation: ¿Como esta? (accent on the first 'o' and the 'a') = How is.../how are you? Como estan... ?(accents as above) = How are (they)...?

How do you ask how are you in Spanish?

Translation: ¿Como esta? (accent on the first 'o' and the 'a') = How is.../how are you? Como estan... ?(accents as above) = How are (they)...?

What does estan mean?

Estan= to be

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Como estan = "how are" or "how are they"

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Donde estan los servicios (accent on 'a' in 'estan')

What is son and estan?

it means are. both of them mean are. son is for a thing to do with the locating, and estan is for describing staff.

What dose estan mean in English?

"Estan" from Spanish means "They are". It is the third-person, plural, conjugated form of "estar" ("to be").

What is 'your mum and dad are 37' in spanish?

Cool accent! Anyways, "mum" would be "madre" and "dad" would be "padre", or you can say "parents" instead, which is "padres", "your" is "tu" (without any accents), "are" would be "estan" (I have conjugated the word estar, meaning "to be" for the parents-this doesn't work in all situations), "37" is "treinta siete", and of course "and" is "y". So, now I will put it all together in a sentence: Tu padres estan treinta siete. (your parents are 37) or you could say: Tu madre y padre estan treinta siete. (your mom and dad are 37).

What does estan means in English?

That means "are" or "they are".

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Las manzanas están rojas y maduras.

How do you say are having in Spanish?

"Estan teniendo"