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Q: Does Eastern orthodox trace their origin to Abraham?
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What religions do not trace their origin back to Abraham?

Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Wicca, etc. Eastern religions and pagan religions are not Abrahamic.

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To what person do Judaism Christianity and Islam trace their origins?

Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe Abraham to have been the one figure of ancient times from which they can trace their common heritage. For this reason, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sometimes referred to as Abrahamic religions.

Do Mahayana trace their origin back to Abraham?

No, Mahayana does not trace its origin back to Abraham. Mahayana Buddhism originated in India around the 1st century CE, while Abraham is a figure in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The two traditions are separate and distinct in terms of their teachings, beliefs, and historical development.

Who did the Arabs trace their ancestry back to?

to a man named Abraham (אברהם)

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It is virtually impossible to trace a virus back to the point of origin

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To trace the origin of science and technology, you would need to research the history of science and technology to learn the origins of it.

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Who does Muslims look to as being their link to Jew and judaism?

Muslims trace their ancestry through Abraham's son Ismael. Jews trace their ancestry through Abraham's son Isaac.

How do you xxplain the connection between Abraham and Islam?

Abraham was the father of Ishmael, to whom Arabs trace their ancestry.

What descendants of Abraham in the Old Testament held positions of importance in Gentile governments?

If the Book of Genesis is read literally, then Abraham is the ancestor of all the Middle Eastern peoples. If so, then every ruler and every government official who can trace his background to Hebrew, Palestinian, Iraqi, Syrian, Arabic or other ancestors would be a descendant of Abraham.

Modern Jews trace their heritage as far back as where?

Abraham Lincoln