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Q: Does Fertilizer added to the soil lead to taller flowering plants?
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Is sodium nitrate harmfull if added to soap?

No sodium nitrate is not harmful if added to soap. Sodium nitrate has been used in many products such as fertilizer and it is also added to food as a preservative.

How would you designed an experiment that evaluate the effectiveness of new and improve chemical fertilizer on bean plant?

well the scientific method is basically when you form a structured experiment with a hypothesis. (If...then...because). usually you do a control group with no fertalizer as well. if i were you i would do something like (and i don't know what kind of fertilizer youre using) If i add (blank) amount of fertilizer the tomatoes will grow to the fullest because this amount isn't too much fertalizer but also not too little fertalizer. (It does sound stupid but that isn't the point). you can have multiple pots each with multiple seeds in it. one pot with no fertalizer, a few with watever amounts you would like to test, and one with more fertalizer than needed. this is because you need to cover all angles of the experiment. just make sure you have constants and that you consider/write down all possible errors in the experiment so you understand what could have gone wrong or could have gone wrong with it since this ask for scientific method, the steps below can be considered. it is generic because the problem is not very specific. Problem/Question 1) will plants grow in different fertilizers? Observation/Research 2) different types of fertilizers can make plants grow. Formulate a Hypothesis 3) if more fertilizer is added then the plants will grow faster. Experiment 4) prepare 4 pots of plants, one will be the control, the three will be added with different amount of fertilizer. Collect and Analyze Results 5) after several days, observed and record data. Conclusion 6) plants with more fertilizer, grows faster. Communicate the Results 7) different amounts of fertilizers should be added to plants to make them grow. ALAIN S. PRESILLAS

How does urine help plants grow faster?

If the urine isn't diluted with water than the plant will die. But, if diluted with water (1 part urine: 10 parts water, or something to that affect) then the urine is helpful to the plant, like a fertilizer. Dog Rocks will stop the urine killing the plants as well as the lawn. Then you don't have to bother with dilution which sounds really time consuming. They are just placed in the dogs water bowl.

Are tranquilizers made from plants?

it is not fully made of plants but is made partly of plants. other chemical are added to make this drug

Soya beans don't need nitrogen fertilizer?

All the bean family -the legumes- have symbiotic bacteria that live in nodules in the roots. These bacteria have the ability to take nitrogen out of the air and convert it into nitrogen chemicals that the plants can use - they are called nitrogen fixing bacteria-. Legumes therefore do not need added fertilizers to flourish.

Related questions

What does fertilizer do to soil?

Fertilizer helps to provide nutrients. When added to soil, plants and flowers can greatly benefit from the minerals and nutrients.

What are the elements required for grass to grow?

The elements that is added to the soil for plants to grow is all fertilizers. fertilizer gives the plants nutrients to grow better.

When was fertilizer first used?

Fertilizer was first used by the ancient Romans who tilled their crops and added nitrogen and lime to the soil because they knew it would help grow their plants.

Is fertilizer a noun?

Yes, the word 'fertilizer' is a noun; a word for a natural or chemical substance that is added to soil to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants; a word for a thing.

What other way plants can grow with out soil?

Plants can be grown by a system called hydroponics, where they are grown in a nutrient rich liquid (ie water with fertilizer added); instead of soil.

Why is fertilizer added to plants?

The fertilizers add nutrients to the soil so that the plants grow better and more productively than if the soil were left in its normal state.

Can a plant live if the soil isn't fertilized?

Fertilizing: "Make (soil) more fertile or productive by adding suitable substances to it". Most types of plants will grow in typical soil without adding nutrients to it, but they will grow with varying degrees of success. Weeds seem to thrive wherever they are. Flowering plants will grow only half-heartedly in soil with low fertility. Vegetables like corn will grow very poorly, if at all, in soil with low fertility. It is largely a matter of what you are growing, and how good of a crop you want of it. Most plants (not all, but most) will grow at least acceptably well without added fertilizer. All plants benefit from a modest amount of extra fertilizer. ANY plant will be killed by EXCESSIVE fertilizer. Repeated use of the same soil for growing successive crops is doomed to failure WITHOUT extra fertilizer. That gives you the general picture.

What happens when hcl is added to a fertilizer?

This depends on the type of fertilizer; phosphates for ex. can react.

What does nitrate fertilizer mean?

Its fertilizer with extra nitrogen added to it. The nitrogen helps the soil.

Do plants need vitamins b complex?

It has always been believed that b1 is a cure all for plant transplant shock, there are many different varieties on the market to choose from, but through my own studies I have found that it is actually choosing the proper fertilizer that makes all the difference. I discovered this by transplanting many different varieties of plants and giving some just b-1, some a balanced fertilizer, and others a fertilizer with b-1 added. What I found was that the plants on fertilizer, and fertilizer containing b-1 both did better than the ones on just b-1. B vitamins are used in cell reproduction, espaecially b-12 but are not found naturally in plants, these are produced by bacteria not normally found in the plants.

How has the fertilizer industry developed?

fertilizer how became more advance the have been able to grow plant much faster , and increase the sizes of plants. a fertilizer is a plant grow with specific chemicals that promote plant grow , over the years more stable chemicals have been added to increase the growth strength....

How do you fertilize dahlia for blooms?

Fertilizer should be added twice a month with a low nitrogen fertilizer.