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I'm pretty sure it does because of the type of web site it is and i really hope it does because i donate 1000 grains every day together well end it


Yes. Freerice does donate rice.

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Q: Does Freerice really donate grains of rice?
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What is the website called freerice?

You answer questions and every correct answer they donate grains of rice. Completely free

Does free rice donate rice?

yes.i saw some viedos which was freerice giving them rice.

What is wwwfreericecom?

Freerice is a non-profit website that is part of the World Food Programme. every question you answer and get right, you donate 10 grains of rice to other contries in Asia, Africa and others.

How does the freerice website work?

Every time you answer a question correctly, donates 10 grains of rice for the hungry.

Is Freericecom real?

yes.. its real. they donate rice to the needy throughout the world. each time you answer a question, you donate 10 grains of rice,

What is the website freerice about?

Freerice is a website were you answer many questions based on different categories. This website helps fight world hunger, is by donating 10 grains of rice for every question you answer. Not only are you gaining knowledge, but you are helping fight hunger by donating rice to countries in need. There are many categories, so people with different interests will have something to do.

Where are there free children games?

You can find excellent free games for children on a site called freerice. That's Not only will your child learn while playing games, but they will donate rice to poor children!

What does rice do?

Rice is a healthy grain and rice will maky you smarter go on freerice (will help you be smarter too!)

How much rice is 10 grains of rice?

10 grains of rice is 10 grains of rice

Why do people eat rice?

Rice is a healthy grain and may make you smarter.sometimes people only have rice to eat.Play freerice to end world hunger.

How many pounds are in 155320 grains of rice?

2.23 pounds of rice are present in 155320 grains of rice.

How many grains of rice in one gram?

There are about 49 grains of rice in a gram.