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Q: Does HIPAA Law vary from state to state?
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What law should you follow if a state law and HIPAA federal law disagree?

If the state laws conflict, you must follow either the law that offers the greater privacy protection or that which offers more patient rights.

Is the HIPPA law a federal law?

HIPAA provides a uniform set of guidelines that apply to all providers and organizations. HIPAA requirements are not affected by state boundaries.

If HIPAA rules are stricter than state law which standard should you follow and why What if the state law was stricter?

HIPAA, Terms of the HIPAA privacy rule do not per se preempt the laws, rules, or regulations of various states, except where the laws, rules, or regulations are contrary to the HIPAA privacy rule. Therefore, the HIPAA privacy rule provides a floor of protection. Where the state laws are more stringent than a standard requirement or implementation specification of the HIPAA privacy rule, the health-care provider must comply with both the federal and state provisions.

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yes they do

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Depends on the law of the state you are in- laws vary state to state.

What happens if you have a gun in a gun free zone?

Depends on the law where YOU are. They vary state to state.

Hipaa was made law in order to increase federal revenues?

hipaa was made law in oreder to increase federal revenues true or false

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Depends on what state your are asking about. Laws vary from state to state.

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Laws and regulations governing notaries vary from state to state.