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HIV can be transmitted through any body fluids from the infected person, and so vaginal fluids. Safe sex is the most important thing to prevent HIV (when you intercourse a stranger). Virus can also be transmitted by blood contact or transfusion.

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Q: Does HIV AIDS spread by kissing vigana?
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Can you get aids form kissing someone with a cold sore?

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, isn't spread by kissing. Cold sores are caused by herpes virus, not HIV.

Can aids spread through kisses?

You can't get HIV from kissing. It's also not spread by hugging or shaking hands.

Can you get aids from kissing on face cheek?

It isn't really that possible to have gotten the HIV or AIDS from kissing your partner. Unless they have gone for and HIV testing from their doctor.

If you test negative for HIV can you still spread the virus?

No, aids can only be passed on through body fluids. IE Sperm, Saliva and also blood. How ever, to get aids from saliva you have to drink at least 9 litres of it so kissing is fine. So if your partner does not have aids you will not get it from that partner.

What way is HIV not transmitted?

AIDS isn't spread at all. AIDS is not contagious. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV is spread through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.

Can you get AIDS from deep kissing?

Yes, saliva can transmit HIV/AIDS, but it is quite an uncommon occurrance. Blood and reproductive fluids are much better carriers and transmitters of HIV/AIDS.

Will HIV spreads by mastubating?

Not unless youre masturbating together with someone who has HIV.

What diseases spread through liquids?

Hiv aids.

What can cause you to get HIV or Aids?

HIV can be transmitted from mother to child. It can also be trasmitted through sexual contact or shared needles. Just huggibg or kissing someone with HIV will not give you it. AIDS is an advanced stage of HIV.

Can AIDS be transmitted by spit?

No, you can't get HIV from kissing or spitting. Exception is if the saliva has blood in it.

You Bit your boyfriends lips while kissing can you catch HIV or AIDS?

If he has it and if he bleeds into your mouth.

Does lips to lips contact spread aids?

Yes & no. HIV/AIDS is rarely (if ever) transmitted through kissing; when it does occur it probably relates to open sores on the lips or in the mouth that allow exposure to blood, not just saliva.