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A summery several articles supports a slight to moderate risk of endometriosis in those women using an IUD longer than 5 years and a significant risk in the proliferation of extra-uterine endometrial tissue in those women on birth contol pills and potentially a carryover to later births where latant endometrial cells may be transferred to the feotus. This last statement is only theory at this stage but brought about by the incidence endometrial tissue in premenses adolescents.

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Q: Does IUD increase endometriosis
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Does IUD cause endometriosis?

Mirena can reduce the symptoms of endometriosis

Can you get an infection after iud falls out?

You can get an infection with or without the IUD. Expulsion of an IUD doesn't increase the risk of infection.

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Can the IUD cause PID?

The IUD itself does not increase the risk of PID. If a woman has chlamydia or gonorrhea at the time of insertion, the risk of PID is increased.

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You have had a copper IUD for 9 years what is its fail rate this long in?

For 9yrs, copper IUD has protected me against pregnancy. I had sharp pain for the first few days after insertion, then after it got better. I had heavy periods accompanied with cramps. But it was highly effective as a contraceptive, though I did develop endometriosis and had it operated through laproscopy.

Can bacterial infections be caused by and IUD Or a hormonal imabalnce during time of themonth?

IUD can increase infection but it is from sexual activity introducing the bacteria not menstruation. You must seek a doctor's care if you have a pelvic infection.

What is the differnec between a copper IUD and a multi load IUD?

A Multiload IUD is a copper IUD.

What can cause secondary dysmenorrhea?

A tipped uterus; endometriosis; adenomyosis; fibroids; pelvic inflammatory disease; an IUD; a uterine, ovarian, bowel or bladder tumor; uterine polyps; inflammatory bowel disease; scarring or adhesions from earlier surgery; menorrhagia.

What IUD's are copper IUD's?

The ParaGard IUD is T shaped and it contains copper.

Is endometriosis communicable or non-communicable?

Endometriosis is noncommunicable disease.

What is 'endometriosis' in Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of "endometriosis" is "endometrioză".