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Q: Does Idaho produce more cotton than Georgia?
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What is the most popular food in Georgia?

they produce more cotton and peaches

What did Georgia produce?

There are quite a number of things that Georgia produce during the colonial periods. Some of them included cotton, peanuts, rice, soy beans and so much more.

How did technology and cotton gin and railroads help the growth of Georgia?

Technology made Georgia more money, Cotton gin made it easier to produce, Railroads made it easier to transport goods.

By 1834 the cotton belt produced more than what percentage of the cotton in the US?

it produce 50%.

How did the cotton gin lead to a cotton boom in the south?

It was easy to produce cotton with the cotton gin and the South was the perfect place to produce cotton

What is the big picture in the time period between 1780 and 1840 in Georgia?

Georgia was controlled by rich planters who owned vast plantations. When the cotton gin was invented it gave a means for more cotton to be grown and as more cotton was produced the need for more slaves was also needed to pick, process, and do the plantations work. Atlanta became one of the largest cities in the south and was the center of social activities in Georgia.

How did the cotton gin get invented?

Eli Whitney created it hoping it would reduce the labor provided by slaves needed to produce cotton cloth. (This plan backfired because the machine worked so well that people bought more cotton gins and more slaves to work the machines and produce cotton.)

What are 3 Egyptian leading exports?

petroleum, cotton, farm produce, cotton clothing, and aluminum productsRead more: What_are_Egypt's_major_imports_and_exports

What does South Carolina produce more than any other state?


How did the cotton gin change the slave population of the US?

It made it practical to put more slaves in the fields to produce more cotton. The demand and population jumped.

What is an Cotton gin?

A machine made so that slaves can watch do faster and produce more cotton in a less amount of time. 😩

What was the building of the cotton mills meant to do?

Produce cotton textiles and clothing more efficiently.