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Yes. It is correct. In your ear different parts of the basilar membrane vibrate at different natural frequencies. You have stapes bone attached to oval window. When it vibrates, the vibrations are transmitted to round window. This transmission goes through scala vestibuli and comes back through scala tympani. This can happen because there is communication between to channels at the tip. When this fluid vibrates, the vibrations are taken up by different part of basilar membrane. For this you have to have the basilar membrane anatomically tapered. The longer part vibrates with low frequency sound and tapering part vibrates with sounds of higher frequencies successively. So the 'resultant' frequency is taken up by part of the basilar membrane. The signal is transmitted by hair cells to brain. With successive 'resultant' signals brain can analyse the hundreds of different sounds. Two ears together give stereoscopic effect to the sound.

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Q: Does In your inner ear different parts of the basilar membrane vibrate at different natural frequencies?
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The structure within the cochlea containing hair cells that vibrate at different natural frequencies is the?

The structure within the cochlea containing hair cells that vibrate at different natural frequencies is the basilar membrane. This structure is vital for detecting different pitches of sound as vibrations of different frequencies cause specific hair cells to be stimulated, sending signals to the brain for processing.

Does natural selection on single-gene trait cannot lead to changes in allele frequencies?

Natural selection on a single-gene trait can lead to changes in allele frequencies for the alleles of that gene.

Why don't gene frequencies change from one generation to the next?

Gene frequencies may remain stable between generations due to factors such as random mating, large population size, absence of gene flow, absence of mutations, and absence of natural selection. When these factors are in play, genetic equilibrium is maintained, and gene frequencies do not change significantly from one generation to the next.

Why are mutations are important for evolution?

Mutations serve up the variations in organisms to natural selection. The reproductively successful variations pass on these successful traits to progeny and allele frequencies change because of this and this is evolution.

What structural feature of a cell membrane is missing from the liposome?

Proteins are a structural feature of a cell membrane that are missing from a liposome. Liposomes are artificial vesicles composed of a phospholipid bilayer and do not contain the diverse array of proteins found in natural cell membranes.

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The structure within the cochlea containing hair cells that vibrate at different natural frequencies is the?

The structure within the cochlea containing hair cells that vibrate at different natural frequencies is the basilar membrane. This structure is vital for detecting different pitches of sound as vibrations of different frequencies cause specific hair cells to be stimulated, sending signals to the brain for processing.

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In your inner ear, different parts of the basilar membrane vibrate at different natural frequencies, and hair cells near those parts send nerve impulses to your brain where they are interpreted as different pitches.

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The natural frequencies of an object are the frequencies at which the object tends to vibrate easily. Harmonics are frequencies that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. When an object is excited at its natural frequencies, it tends to resonate and produce harmonics of those frequencies.

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A standing wave can occur only at specific frequencies that are called natural frequencies.

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The length of the organ pipe primarily affects its natural frequency. Shorter pipes have higher natural frequencies, while longer pipes have lower natural frequencies. The material and diameter of the pipe can also have an impact on the natural frequency.

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Fundamental frequencies and overtones are referred to as resonance frequencies because they are the natural frequencies at which an object vibrates most easily and with the greatest amplitude, due to resonance phenomena. Resonance occurs when the frequency of an external force matches the natural frequency of the object, leading to increased vibration amplitudes and energy transfer.

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Natural selection on a single-gene trait can lead to changes in allele frequencies for the alleles of that gene.

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