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Q: Does Iraq participate in ACSA agreement?
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What is Acsa's population?

Acsa's population is 1,528.

What is the area of Acsa?

The area of Acsa is 26.94 square kilometers.

Does the US have a status of forces agreement with Iraq?

The US had a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq until December 2011. At that time, the agreement expired and has not been renewed.

How did Russia participate in the Iran-Iraq War?

Russia sold weapons to Iran and Iraq.

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Go to- To find the complete Lyrics!

Is Iraq banned from the 2008 Olympics?

No, Iraq sent 4 athletes to participate in Bejing. Yes, it was announced that Iraq would be banned.

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What do the initials ACSA refer to?

One will actually find that the initials ACSA stand for more than one thing. A few things that they refer to are American Computer Science Association, and the Apple Certified System Administrator.

US should stay in Iraq until the nation has a stable government?

There was an agreement with the Iraq government but First, the agreement should state honestly that American combat troops would remain in Iraq until 2012. Using the December 31, 2011 date as the deadline is nothing but a cheap deception.

When did Iraq participate in World Cup soccer for the first time?

They only appeared once in 1986