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No. Islam teaches that it applies to life religious or none religious.

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Q: Does Islam teach that god's commands only apply to religious life?
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Do Muslims have a priest?

Not really. Any Muslim can lead prayers, and any Muslim can teach about Islam. There is no procedure similar to that of ordination.

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NO. Episode 1 - Remembering Allah. And in Islam Allah is God so the teach about God.

What is Iran's religious leader called?

The Islamic religious leader is called the Imam, however in Islam God has said that everyone is equal and that their is no leader, the Imam is mainly used to teach people about the Islamic faith, and is also used to lead prayer, but he is not seen as a leader as everyone is seen as equal. The Religious founder in Islam is The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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dogs don't speak a human language. But, they can be taught to respond to commands given in any language.

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Because the Christian and Islamic religions teach that leadership belongs to males.

What do Islam Buddhism Judaism Hinduism and Christianity have in common?

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Teach it commands in German rather than English. I think it was a joke or a rhetorical Question smile

Does Islam tell people to kill?

Islam does not teach Muslim to kill. Please look at the Al-Qur'an.

What does Islam teach about senior citizens?

To respect them, help them, and support them.

Why does Islam not teach that Jesus is the son of God?

Islam teaches that God is one. He does not have parents or children, and there is none like Him.