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Q: Does Jesse ventura get retirement pay as governor?
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What is the retirement pay of an Army Major?

The retirement pay of an army major is not known as there is no standard rate of retirement pay. The pay is determined by the type of retirement plan that is chosen.

Do I have to pay taxes on my retirement?

Yes, you have to pay taxes on your retirement at a rate determined by your retirement income, which should be much lower than your working income. Yes, you have to pay taxes on your retirement at a rate determined by your retirement income, which should be much lower than your working income.

Can military retirement pay be garnished?

Can my military retirement be garnished by a non-government agency? Can my military retirement be garnished? military retirement pay can be garnished through the government. It can be garnished like everyone else's pay, through the courts at any level.

Does the president get paid after leaving office?

Yes the former president gets retirement pay.

Do California residents pay state taxes on retirement pension under Railroad Retirement Act?

Do California residents pay state income taxes on their Rairoad Retirement pension under the Railroad Retirement Act?

Is the president provided with security or retirement pay after leaving office?

After leaving office, the President is not provided with security or retirement pay.

Which of the following is NOT a retirement benefit under the Blended Retirement System.?

Monthly annuity for life.

Where can I learn about the navy retirement calculator and how can I qualify for retirement?

A Military Retirement Calculator extimates retired pay during retirement years. The rates of retired pay depends on the the years of service. Most retirements are after 20-30 years of service.

How much is the retirement fee of US Army?

Military retirement pay is generally 50% of your E-level pay when you retired from active duty.

Could the Australian retirement fund program work in America?

In America most employees do have a retirement fund that they pay into so when they do retire they will recieve funds from their retirement fund. As far as everyone having a retirement fund that is working, it is their option to pay into it for when they retire.

Do you have to pay taxes as a beneficiary on a retirement pay out?

That depends on the laws of the country in which you live.

Can a reserve military spouse collect retirement pay prior to the reservist turning 60 years old?

No. A spouse is not entitled to any retirement pay until it is earned by the reservist at age 60 years. That is assuming that the reservist applies for retirement pay; it may not be automatic.