

Does Jupiter have a crust

Updated: 8/10/2023
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9y ago

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Uranus is made up of a swirl of gases, liquids, and solids. It has no solid surface to stand on. The solids have settled to the center of the planet. These include silicon, iron, and a basalt like rock

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13y ago
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3y ago
so the answer is yes
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8y ago

Uranus is a Gas Giant. Gas Giants don't have solid ground. A crater would have no lasting effect on the outer surface.

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10y ago

Yes, Leighton Baines is the best player in the world

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9y ago

No, planet Jupiter does not have a crust. In fact, Jupiter is simply made up of cold gasses much like Saturn and Neptune is.

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10y ago

No. Uranus does not have a solid surface, and therefore cannot have cracks.

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13y ago

No. The planets only land is the core.

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3y ago

Silicates are the minerals that make up most of Earth's rocky crust, though Neptune does not have a solid surface like Earth. Thick clouds cover Neptune's surface. Its interior begins with a region of heavily compressed gases. Deep in the interior, these gases blend into a liquid layer that surrounds the planet's central core of rock and ice.

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3y ago

no Neptune does not have a crust

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Q: Does Jupiter have a crust
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Which moon of Jupiter is most likely to have liquid water under its ice crust?

The moon called Europa is most likely to have liquid water underneath it's icy crust. Europa is the 6th closest moon to the planet of Jupiter.

Compared to earth Jupiter?

Unlike Earth, which is composed of a crust and mantle of silicate rock and a core of iron, Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and helium with a rock and metal core. Jupiter is 11 times the diameter of Earth and 318 times the mass. It rotates in a period of just under 10 hours.

What are Jupiters main moons?

Jupiter, the biggest planet in our astonishing solar system. Jupiter has 60+ known moons. But there are four main moons, Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede. Io is 3,630 km in diameter and is 421,600 km away from Jupiter. It is very active, and has constant volcanic eruption. Europa is 3,138 km in diameter and is 670,900 km away from Jupiter. Astronomers think that underneath its crust, it may harbor an ocean. Ganymede is 5,262 km in diameter - the largest moon in our Solar System - and is 1,070,000 km away from Jupiter. Also, this moon could potentially harbor an ocean beneath its crust. Callisto is 4,800 km in diameter and is 1,883,800 km away from Jupiter.

What is Jupiter namesake?

the names of jupiter are as follows: jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter and last but not least JuPiTeR

What is the number of rotations on jupiter?

Jupiter is Jupiter is Jupiter is Jupiter is

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What is the crust made up of on Jupiter?

Jupiter's crust is primarily composed of rock and ice, with a mantle of liquid metallic hydrogen beneath it. However, the exact composition and structure of Jupiter's crust are not definitively known, as it is hidden beneath the planet's thick atmosphere.

What are Jupiter's layers?

Jupiter has 3 layers called the crust core and inner core.

What is the crust composition of Jupiter?

Jupiter does not have a solid surface, so it does not have a traditional crust like terrestrial planets. Instead, its outer layer is predominantly composed of hydrogen and helium gas. Beneath this gaseous layer, there is a thick region of metallic hydrogen and potentially a rocky core at the center.

What is Jupiter's crust mad out of?

Jupiter doesn't have a crust, it is made of gas. The core is theorized to be an inner layer of liquid metallic hydrogen surrounded by an outer shell of regular liquid hydrogen.

What is Jupiter ring made of?

Jupiter has a feint ring system, made from dust, small rocks and ice.

How many layers of the Jupiter and there name?

Jupiter's atmosphere can be divided into four main layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the thermosphere, and the exosphere. Each layer is characterized by different temperatures, pressures, and compositions.

Which moon of Jupiter is most likely to have liquid water under its ice crust?

The moon called Europa is most likely to have liquid water underneath it's icy crust. Europa is the 6th closest moon to the planet of Jupiter.

Would Jupiter Saturn Neptune or Venus have a rocky crust and a dense core?

It would be Venus, because that planet is the only one that has a solid crust.

What is the surface of Jupiter and what is it made of?

nobody really knows whats below the clouds of Jupiter and nobody knows yet what Jupiter is made out of or what the crust is if it has one. we know the atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium, but that's about it.

Did the great red spot on Jupiter form from a volcano?

No. Jupiter is a gaseous planet, meaning it doesn't really have a crust, or ground, like Earth or Mars. The Red Spot on Jupiter is actually a very large, powerful storm.

What happens if planet has no crust?

Gas planets such as Jupiter have no crust as they are made primary of hydrogen and helium rather than rock. A terrestrial planet without a crust would not be all that different from a planet with a crust as the difference between the crust and the mantle of a planet has more to do with chemical composition than anything else.

Which planet has a moon with a possible ocean water under a crust of ice?

Jupiter's moons - Europa and Ganymede possibly have oceans of liquid water under their crust. Saturn's moon - Enceladus also has a possible ocean of water under it's crust.