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Q: Does Lincoln's second inaugural address qualify as an apology explain?
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How do you ask for an apology?

When a person asks for an apology, they should be direct. A person has to make sure that it is the right time to ask for the apology. They should also be ready to explain why they want an apology.

What should an apology letter contain?

An apology letter should apologize for one's actions, explain what one has learned, explain why the situation or action will no longer occur, and other appropriate or relevant things.

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When writing an apology letter make sure it shows a sincere apology. Explain the reasons on why you apologize and give some details.

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What does a child need to do to apologize to his or her parents?

An apology is never too late to give to mom and dad. Just explain what happened and that you are sorry. Express that you will not do whatever you did and give them a hug. That is a great way to express apology to parents.

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President Lincoln in his First Inaugural Address Monday March 4th 1861 was referring to Secession when he said, "A disruption of the Federal Union, heretofore only menaced, is now formidably attempted."

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The email address of Bangladesh PM is not public. He could explain it as privacy issue.

I broke up with my bf i feel bad now what can i do to make him happier?

ask him to still be good friend with you and give him a letter of apology he will like that explain why you did it and just try and forget about it you will be fine hope it helps :)

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explain, describe, narrate, address

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send bobby seal my email address