

Does Mars have trees and plants?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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No, Mars has no life that we know of.

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Q: Does Mars have trees and plants?
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Which plants are usually the first to live in soil?

simple plants

If there are trees on Mars how is there no oxygen there?

No trees on Mars as far as we know.

Do trees live in Mars?

yes trees do live on mars if your tripen

Why are trees bigger than plants?

Trees are not bigger than plants. Trees are plants. So plants are as big as trees.

Are trees plant?

Trees are plants!! trees are plants

Are trees and plants the same?

yes, trees are plants

How are trees different from other plants?

All trees are plants but not all plants are trees.

What is the difference between plants and trees?

All trees are plants, but not all plants are trees. Trees are woody perennial plants with a thick trunk, thinner branches, and leaves.

The answer is yes Mars can hold life in the future scientists would have to rearrange Mars and it would be done in about a thousand years but hey would give Mars Trees and air?

It is possible to give Mars a breathable atmosphere and make it able to support plants and animals within a thousand years with current technology.

Since trees are called large plants Are plants called small trees?

No, because not all plants are trees.

Do cottonwood trees kill other plants?

Cottonwood trees do not kill other plants. However, they can develop certain diseases that spread to other plants and trees so they can be a carrier as all trees and plants can be.

Are they plants on Mars?

No, they not plants on Mars...conditions are not suitable to support life. An underdeveloped atmosphere and no water to support life.