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There is no proof that Medusa could not help but to turn people to stone.

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Q: Does Medusa try not to turn people to stone?
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Did Medusa try not to turn people to stone?

Perseus used her severed head to turn Atlas to stone. Later he rescued princess Andromeda from being eaten by a sea monster, which Perseus also turned to stone.

What is the code in medusa plot in 39 clues?

try this. 7GH765654ID

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Why did Perseus kill Medusa?

Medusa was a dangerous monster, her gaze turned everything to stone. King Polydectes wanted Perseus out of the way so he could try and seduce Perseus' mother Danaë. So Polydectes sent Perseus on this dangerous mission, but with the help of Hermes and thena he went through with it. He cut off her head!

What is the medusa plot card code in 39 clues?

try this. 7GH765654ID

Where can i go to learn english for my kids to succeed in the language?

Most people that are trying to learn good english turn to Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone is a well known language learning program. I would recommend giving that a try first because I know that Rosetta Stone is a great quality language learning tool.

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It took 22 years to decipher the Rosetta Stone.22 years

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What did Grover do to try to get rid of Medusa?

hitting her with a tree branch.

Is their a book on Medusa?

Yes, there are various books featuring or referencing the myth of Medusa. Some examples include "Medusa the Mean" by Joan Holub, "Monsters: Medusa" by Bernard Evslin, and "Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite: The Science of Monsters" by Matt Kaplan.

Why would Poseidon ravish Medusa in temple of Athena?

She ran there to try to get away from him. It didn't work as well as she had hoped, and once he was done with her, Athena was so angered that it had happened in her temple that she turned Medusa into a monster (never mind the fact that it wasn't actually Medusa's fault.)

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after the adrenalin dodge grapple of it's shield and pick it up and face them when they try to turn you to stone