

Does Mexico care about nuclear weapons?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Yes. Mexico has a ban on nuclear weapons on its soil.

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Q: Does Mexico care about nuclear weapons?
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Is Mexico nuclear capable?

Mexico is capable of producing Nuclear power, it currently only has one power station called Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, located in Veracruz. Mexico might be capable of producing nuclear weapons, but they have laws against nuclear weapons, they are not allowed on Mexican soil. If Mexico were to produce nuclear weapons, their friendship with the United States will be ruined, the United States likes controlling Latin-American countries, and if a country such as Mexico has nuclear weapons, they can no longer enslave them.

What is the use of nuclear testing in New Mexico?

to test nuclear weapons

What are Mexico's nuclear capabilities?

Mexico has two operating nuclear reactors on Laguna Verde, Veracruz with a capacity of 683 GW each. As host, founder and signatory country of the Treaty of Tlatelolco - which established Latin America and the Caribbean to be a nuclear weapons free zone - Mexico also has some nuclear research laboratories, but all are focused on civil applications and are supervised by the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL), based in Mexico City. Thus, Mexico does not have any nuclear weapons.

Why does Mexico oppose nuclear weapons?

It is a dangerous technology that could wipe out the majority of the world's population in a couple of hours. Besides, Mexico does not have any enemies, thus by banning nuclear weapons on its soil, Mexico has a moral advantage in case it is attacked by a nuclear power (i.e. it would be considered an atrocity, forcing many nations to side up towards Mexico in case of a nuclear attack).

Where did nuclear weapons first start in the world?

The first ever nuclear explosion was a test in New Mexico in 1945

What is Mexico's stance on the nuclear non proliferation issue in Iran?

In 1982 Mexico ratified the Sea-Bed Treaty stating that their government has the right to inspect, remove, or destroy military weapons or structures or other nuclear weapons/ weapons of mass destruction. I don't know if this helps at all, but good luck. Also, Mexico is trying to get closer to nuclear weapons being abolished from all of the world. However, officials have found terrorist groups in Mexico attempting to plan attacks on the US. It has been argued that there are many nuclear weapons in Mexico. They may be for the issue in Iran or against, the world may never know.

Does Mexico have atomic bombs?

No. Mexico is signatory of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, which bans nuclear weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean.

How many nuclear power plants are in Mexico?

Mexico does NOT have nuclear weapons. Its of no use to us. Mexico has what many countries crave, no problems with other countries, so much so, that Mexico's military isn't trained for war, its just trained for defense inside the county. If Mexico began to produce nuclear weapons, it would mean a large split in US-Mexican relations, and Mexican-World relations.

Where in the US did scientists build nuclear weapons?

During WW2, the Manhatton project was accomplished in New Mexico.

What weapons are considered nuclear weapons?

Those that are nuclear, such as the nuclear bombs.