

Does Neptune have any seasons if so what are they?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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it seems to far from the sun to have seasons

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Q: Does Neptune have any seasons if so what are they?
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Does Neptune have seasons or not?

Yes. As with Earth, Neptune has four seasons, however unlike Earth where seasons last for a few months, seasons on Neptune last for decades.

Does Neptune have seasons?

Yes, Neptune does have seasons because Neptune has an irregular orbit around the sun. It also has a generous 28+ degree of axial tilt. Each season lasts 41 Earth years.

Which planet has a tilted axis so that the planet has seasons?

Uranus and Pluto have a tilt and have extreme seasons. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune have seasons that are similar to ours.

What are the lengths of Neptune's seasons?

Seasons on Neptune last around 40-years. Neptune's axial tilt is 28.5-degrees, not much different from Earth's. The most recognizable signs of seasonal change on Neptune are the brightness of clouds in the Neptune's southern hemisphere.

Does Neptune have any geological events?

There are a number of geological events that have been established on Neptune. For instance, there are four seasons just like on earth but one season in Neptune last for 41 earth years.

Does Neptune have any craters?

No. Neptune is a gas planet and so does not have a solid surface.

In what ways is Neptune similar to earth?

Neptune's axial tilt is similar to Earth's, causing it to have seasons!

What seasons does Neptune have?

i think they have summer spring winter

How long do seasons last on Neptune?

how long do seasons last on earth

Are there any giant volcanoes on planet Neptune?

No. Neptune has no solid surface, so it cannot have volcanoes.

What did ancient people think of Neptune?

they worshiped him because he was the god of the sea otherwise known as poseidon and he controlled the fishing seasons and he could wash out any city, so with all that power the ppl always worshiped a god so yeaaa

What availability of water does Neptune have?

There wil NEVER be any water in Neptune.... We are still trying to find how to get water to there! So No.