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As of June 2014, 14 moons have been found orbiting Neptune. The planet also has thin, unstable rings that are made if dust.

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Q: Does Neptune have moons or rings?
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Does Neptune have any moons or rings?

Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings.

What is the number of moons or rings of the moons?

Out of Neptune's 13 moons neither of them have rings.

What are the names of Neptune's 13 rings?

Neptune does not have 13 rings. Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings.

Which planet has 13 moons and 5 rings?

Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings. Neptune's rings are much darker than Saturn's rings.

How many moons and rings does it have Neptune?

Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings.Moons:NaiadThalassaDespinaGalateaLarissaProteusTritonNereidHalimedeSaoLaomedeiaPsamatheNesoRings:GalleLeVerrierLassellAragoAdams

What planet has rings and a total of 13 moons?


What planet has 8 rings and 24 moons?

Jupiter, Saturn, neptune, and uranus have rings and moons. they are all gas giants. Saturn is the planet that is known for my rings but many don't accept the privillage of the planet and its atmosphere Saturn

This planet has 11 rings and 15 sattlelites?

The only planets that have rings are Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. Saturn has thousands of rings and 60 known moons to date. Jupiter has 1 ring and 63 known moons to date. Uranus has 13 rings and 27 known moons to date. Neptune has 4 rings and 13 known moons to date.

What are Neptune's moons?

Neptune's 13 moons are Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Triton, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe, and Neso.

Does Neptune have rings if so what are they made from?

Neptune has 13 rings and they are made up of dust particles

How many moons and rings does Neptune have?

Neptune has 13 known moons and a ring system with 5 principal rings, which were discovered in 1989 by the Voyager 2 space probe. (see related question)

What planet has 19 moons and 1000 rings?

No planet has 19 moons and 1000 rings. Four planets have rings: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All have over 20 known moons.