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Yes, Ohio does offer discounted price for car insurance for disabled and women drivers. This program is for its constituents to have an affordable insurance services and also to show its care and support to women and handicapped. For more information, just e-mail them or visit their government site.

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Q: Does Ohio offer car insurance discounts to women and the handicapped?
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What branches of military offer insurance?

I believe that all of the branches of the military offer some form of insurance. If they do not then many insurance firms will offer military discounts to servicemen and women.

What Texas car insurance for women drivers offer discounts for clean records?

All car insurance agencies in Texas offer discounts for women with clean driving records such as State Farm and Nationwide. So top that with the fact that women get lower insurance rates than men and you'll be saving yourself a pretty penny!

Where can I find good car insurance for women?

Car insurance does not discriminate against men or women. There are no specific companies that offer just womans car insurance. Instead insurance providers give discounts and special offers to good driving records and depending on the age of the person applying.

What companies offer car insurance for women in the UK?

Aviva, Diamond, Allstate, and Churchill all offer women in the UK car insurance. Insurance companies will insure both men and women for car insurance.

Where can women get ladies insurance?

To get the most accurate information regarding your car insurance and any discounts you may qualify for, contact your current insurance provider. They will be able to best assist you and will be able to tell you if they offer a discount for women drivers. If you aren't satisfied, you can always call around to other providers to see if they have what you are looking for.

What companies offer car insurance for women only?

There are some companies that offer car insurance for only women. Men are not able to obtain insurance from these companies. Companies that cater towards women include Pink Wheels Car Insurance and Women on Wheels.

Are there companies who offer lower car insurance rates for women?

Most insurance companies offer all kinds of discounts, if you are a safe driver with no tickets or accidents then you will get a discount for that. As for a discount for just being a woman all you can do is ask, but I think that being a safe driver is a better bet at saving you money.

Which companies offer health insurance for pregnant women?

Some companies that offer health insurance to pregnant women include eHealthInsurance and AHCCCS. You can learn more about this insurance at the company websites.

What companies offer the cheapest car insurance for women?

Many companies offer the cheapest car insurance for women, since women are considered to be lower-risk drivers. Companies that offer cheap car insurance include Progressive, Geico, Travelers, Nationwide and Esurance.

Does Northwest insurance offer car insurance for women drivers in the Florida area?

They offer all people insurance, most of the time women pay less for insurance than men do. So I would assume that Northwest Insurance wouldn't be too costly.

Are there car insurance policies just for women?

Yes there are. In fact, most major insurance companies offer such policies. Since women statistically make fewer insurance claims than men, companies are willing to offer better deals for women.

What discounts or deals does Georgia offer on car insurance for women drivers?

You may get a different rating for being a female driver under the age of 30. Once you reach the age of 30, it doesn't make a difference if you are male of female.