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Yes it does. It is opiate based, like Vicodin, percocet, morphine, heroin, etc.

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Q: Does Oxycontin come up as opiates in a dip test?
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Can percocet be mistaken for lorcet in a urine screen?

In a dip test it will just show as opiates. In a lab test they can distinguish the difference

Does oxy contin Show up as heroin in a drug test?

Sometimes. Dip-stick tests and EMIT tests will show oxycontin as opiate - all opiates metabolize to morphine, btw - rather than the opioid it is. A GC/MS test can tell the difference between the two, and report them on separate lines.

What are the 5 things urine dip sticks test for?

Amphetamines, benzo's, opiates, THC, Cocaine, are the normal. If it is a quantam level test that is expensive and done in Washington they can tell the levels u are taking and if it is going up or down.

What does Oxycontin metabolize into?

If your wondering what it will show up on a drug test here is what I know! I was in a program that tested my urine once a week. I was being tested by a normal five panel dip stick, meth, coc, THC, opi, Benz, and when i was being tested i was passing drug test while on Oxycontin. It wasn't until the program director figured out that Oxycontin didn't show up on a drug test that he had to special order "oxy" test strips. And the same is for percocet also. So I hope that helps answer your question a little. HXP It metabolizes into noroxycodone and oxymorphone.

Does oxycodone and vicadens show up the same?

Simplistically, 7.5 mg Hydrocodone should provide equal pain relief to 5mg Oxycodone but one must also consider whether there are other drugs such as aspirin or acetominophen included as these increase the pain relief provided by both these agents. Having said this, one also must consider that all drugs work slightly differently on different people and linear equations such as "this much of A equals that much of B" is only a comment that refers to the majority effect in a Bell curve.

Will heroine and endocet both come up as the same thing on a drug test?

On a dip-stick test they will. GC/MS can tell the difference, though.

Does percocet and vicodin show up as the same on a drug test?

Yes, and No. I have been taking offbrand vicodin for back pain. I also drug test every week for probation. I have never tested (preliminary) positive for any drug. Hydrocodone (vicodin) does not show up in a dip stick test for some reason. Morphine almost certainly would give a preliminary positive. They would then send the sample to the lab for further gc/ms testing. They would be able to then discern the difference between the two substances after this lab test.

Will vicodin and Adderall show up the same on a drug test?

Vicidon and heroin technically are both opiates. However, depending on the drug test will depend on which will show up. Most drug tests are done with a urine dip. Which is with a dip stick that will show only if certain things come up in your urine. Not being as detailed on this type of test yes they will show up as the same thing, being opiates. Now if a blood test is taken then most likely it will be sent to the lab and then a more detailed screen will be done showing weather or not it is an illegal drug or a prescription drug. --- The above answer is correct. But the two drugs have different chemical compositions and it will depend on the type of test. If you get a hair test, I will add, every single thing will show up and they are able to decipher exactly what was ingested.

How does roxycotin appear on a drug test?

as an opiate on a dip test but as itself or an opiate on a lab test

How do you detect chlorine in water?

you'll need a water test kit or dip stick test.

What is the dip in the water in a test tube called?

It is called the meniscus.

Can you fail a drug test by handling crystal meth?

Yes - methamphetamine is absorbed through the skin. You would have to come in contact with a fair amount to fail a dip test, but a full tox will show presence of it.