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Q: Does Poison Sumac grow in Southern California?
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Does poison sumac grow in Ohio?

yes it does.

Is poison oak and thunder wood the same?

No, thunderwood is a regional Southern name for poison sumac, which can grow to a tall shrub/tree as high as 25 feet. The name was given for the intense pain and burning caused by contact with the foliage or sap.

What does poison sumac look like?

It is a woody shrub or small tree that can reach 30 feet tall. It contains urushiol, a resin that can cause skin lesions, and that can be inhaled into the lungs from the smoke caused by burning sumac. Not all varieties of sumac are poisonous. Poison sumac are found in wet or boggy areas throughout the northeast US and parts of northeast Canada.A shrub or small tree is what poison sumac is.Specifically, poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix) can grow to a mature height of almost 30 feet/9 meters. Its leaves grow in groups of 7-13 leaflets. It has flowers in green clusters and fruits as flattened gray spheres. All parts of the plant will be irritating to people who react to the resin urushiol, which also is found in poison ivy (T. radicans) and poison oak (T. diversilobum in western North America, T. pubescens in eastern North America).

Where does sumac grow?

oak trees

Does poison sumac grow in pa?

Very uncommonly in bogs and wetlands (mostly a Southern tree). A botany professor at West Virginia University told me he has looked for it for years in both PA and WV and has never found it. I would be skeptical of most people who claim to know its whereabouts.

How big does poison ivy grow?

Poison sumac [Toxicodendron vernix] may reach a mature height of 7 meters [20 feet]. The plant contains the same urushiol oil that's the hallmark of poison ivy [Toxicodendron radicans] and poison oak [Toxicodendron diversilobum, and Toxicodendron pubescens]. But the allergic reaction that it may cause in humans is the most extreme of the three plants. In fact, many botanists rank poison sumac among the most toxic of plants in the United States of America.

What types of soil do sumac trees grow in?

Most sumac species that I am familiar with (Staghorn sumac, winged sumac and smooth sumac) are all pioneer species that will grow almost anywhere. I have seen them growing in wetlands and uplands, though not in the very wettest areas. They live only about ten to twenty years, and by that time, other species tend take over.

What caused Southern california to grow rapidly in the 1880s?

Lots of sex.

Do olives grow in Denmark?

No. It is too cold. Olives are a tropical warm weather fruit. California and southern Italy grow olives.

In what part of California do most of the crops grow?

The southern part of California has most of the crop production. Around 200 varieties of crops grow in California which include grapes, almonds, strawberries, oranges ,walnuts, rice, corn, sugar beets and wheat.

Can passion fruit grow in Georgia?

They grow on vines.