

Does Poptropica need sound

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, Poptropica does not need nor use sound, at least to the best of my knowledge it does not.

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Does Poptropica have volume?

Poptropica has no sound, as of 2009.

Will Poptropica have sound?

So far, bandwidth use and the many languages of Poptropica have prevented this.

How do you turn the whale sound gadget on poptropica SOS?

with the wrench

How do you install Poptropica?

Since Poptropica is a website, there is no need to install it.

How do you get back home on Poptropica to early Poptropica?

You don't need to know

Where are the things you need to get on early Poptropica?

On Poptropica, the things you need to get is a glowstick, a pig, a flag, and a jetpack and a water bucket.

Why isn't there any sound or music in Poptropica?

In order to minimize the download times from the servers, there is little sound on Poptropica. The exceptions include the reed pipe (flute) on Mythology Island, the phonograph recording on Time Tangled Island, and some limited sound effects.

Can you please make a volcano island on Poptropica?

You need to contact Poptropica, you can mail them.

Who do you get the camera in Poptropica?

you need to click the ctrl shift r in poptropica .com

How do you make your screen bigger on Poptropica?

u need 2 buy the bobble head in the poptropica store.

What program you need to run poptropica on my computer?

you need internet

Where do you find the flag on early Poptropica?

The flag is on top of the Water Tower in Early Poptropica. You will need the jetpack to reach it. To get the jetpack, you must go through the clouds in the sky, so you need the Golden Egg from below Poptropica Towers. To get the egg, you need the glow stick from the well in Early Poptropica village.