

Does RNA contain a phosphate group like DNA?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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yes , it contains a phosphate group.

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Yes, RNA contains a phosphate group in its backbone, just like DNA. The phosphate group is important for forming the sugar-phosphate backbone that gives RNA its structure and stability.

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Is a phosphate DNA or RNA?

A phosphate group is found in both DNA and RNA. It is an essential component of the nucleotides that make up the backbone of the DNA and RNA molecules.

DNA and RNA are made up of nuceotides which contain what?

A sugar, a base, and a phosphate group.

In addition to a phosphate group's a DNA nucleotide could contain?

Deoxyribose sugar and thymine

What three combinations of substances do individual nucleotides of DNA contain?

A purine or pyrimidine base;A sugar;A phosphate group.

What are examples of a phosphate group?

Examples of phosphate groups include: ATP (adenosine triphosphate), DNA and RNA nucleotides, and phospholipids found in cell membranes.

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A phosphodiester bond is formed between the hydroxyl group of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of an adjacent nucleotide when linking nucleotides to form the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA. This bond involves the condensation reaction between the hydroxyl group of the 3' carbon of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of the 5' carbon of the adjacent nucleotide.

What is the spine of DNA?

Doxyribose and phosphate group

How much phosphate molecules are inside the DNA?

There are an estimated 3 billion base pairs inside of human DNA. Each base contains one phosphate group so each base pair would contain two. Ergo, there would be an estimated 6 billion phosphate groups in human DNA.

What three components make up a dna nucleotide?

Out of these options: cytidine, phosphate group, ribose Guanine, phosphate group, ribose adenine, phosphate group, ribose cytosine, phosphate group, ribose deoxyribose, phosphate group, thymine deoxyribose, phosphate group, uracil The answer is: deoxyribose, phosphate group, thymine

Do both DNA and RNA nucleotides have a phosphate part?

Yes, they have a phosphate group.

In a single strand of dna the phosphate group binds to what?

In a single strand of DNA, the phosphate group binds to the deoxyribose sugar molecule on one side and to the nitrogenous base (Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, or Guanine) on the other side. This phosphate-sugar-base backbone forms the structural framework of the DNA molecule.

What functional group phosphate is found in?

Phosphate is found in the functional group phosphate, which consists of a phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. It is commonly involved in energy transfer reactions and as a component of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA.