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Q: Does Staphyolococcus saprophyticus contain gelatinase
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What is the name of the enzyme responsible for gelatin hydrolysis?

The enzyme responsible for gelatin hydrolysis is gelatinase.

Why is gelatin liquefied in the presence of gelatinase?

Gelatinase is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down the protein gelatin. Since the active ingredient of gelatin is the protein gelatin, the gel cannot solidify in the presence of gelatinase.

What is the purpose of gelatinase test?

The purpose of the gelatinase test is to identify bacteria that may produce an enzyme that hydrolyses (breaks down) gelatin.

Is staphylococcus saprophyticus MOTILITY positive?


Is P aeruginosa gelatinase positive or negative?


What is the origin of Staphylococcus saprophyticus?

Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a common cause of urinary track infections. It has been shown as a contaminant of food of animal origin, most likely cattle and pigs.

From what specimen type would S saprophyticus most likely be isolated?

S. saprophyticus is the second most common cause of UTI - therefore you could isolate this from a urine sample.

Nutrient gelatin is used to test for the production of what enzyme?


Can staphylococcus saprophyticus hydrolyse starch?

No, it is negative

How does streptococcus test for gelatinase?

The gelatin hydrolysis test is used to test if a microbe produces gelitinase. If the gelatin turns liquid that means gelatinase is present. Streptococcus is one of many strains that can be tested this way.

How would the production of gelatinase help a pathogen to be mre virulent?

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What is S. saprophyticus?

Staph bacteria. Existing within and around the.(urethra) of about 5% of healthy males and females, S. saprophyticus is the second most common cause of unobstructed urinary tract infections (UTIs) in sexually active young women.