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Hopefully you didn't buy it and now looking up to see if it works. That's what I did and I didn't find any answer that was specific to stat flush. I have always been very skeptical of detox products and now I have a little more biased against these types of products. I took their product and followed their instruction almost to a T. I know that that is not 100% proof it doesn't work but that's not my argument and usually nothing is ever 100% anyways. I received a call today that told me my job is terminated for a positive on my drug screen and now I have to face the reality of not having a job and feeling lowly. Though I don't shrug off accountability, I know that I need to look out for myself as well and attempted to pass this test and keep my job. My suggestion now that I'm looking in hind sight is to dilute your specimen to an inconclusive result rather than putting all faith into a product and probably following what is the common majority of suggestion on the internet, subbing. If you can, just stop smoking if you can... at least for a little while.

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Q: Does Stat Flush work on THC?
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to purchase stat flush get on facebook first and update your status then get your computer screen with your facebook status on it and flush the toilet

Does stat flush capsules work effectively to pass a drug test Will it work on weed and percacets?

The old guy: NO IT DID NOT WORK FOR ME AND I USED IT EXACTLY AS DIRECTED.I FAILED MY TEST AND STAT FLUSH CUSTOMER SERVICE DID NOT GIVE A CRAP!MY LIFE IS RUINED THANKS TO STAT FLUSH!!!!!!!!Thew New Guy: It really depends on your body weight and metabolism I'm 150 lbs 6'3 and everytime i use stat flush i pass my drug tests with flying colors. Some heavier set people men 220 and women 180lbs+ should take double the recommended dose. Make sure you stop "using" at least like 5 days before your test and start drinking a lot of water/cranberry juice take multivitamins. The day of the the test take the stat flush follow the directions in the bottle and you should be straight.Good Luck i hope this helped.

Are there vitamins that will flush THC out of your system?


Does slo-niacin get THC out of system?

Yes it can help flush you or at least hide the THC

What stores sell stat flush?

Mrs Greens

What is the easiest way to flush your system of THC?

No to smoke

Does pickle juice clean system of marijuana If not what works?

Pickle juice will not help your body flush THC out. The only sure way of getting THC out of your system is time.

Will jogging 5 miles a day clean THC out of your system?

Yes when you run you burn fat and that helps flush out some of the thc. I've heard niacin pills work, drinking cranberry juice & water may work as well...

How long does it take to flush marijuana out of your sytem with water?

Water typically doesn't "flush" your system of THC, what drinking a lot of water does is adds water to your urine, diluting it and making it harder to detect the THC so drink a lot of water before you urinate for a test and pray it will work.