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Q: Does Stretching the lower portion of the trapezius help with kyphotic posture?
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Does lifting heavy weights lead to poor posture?

Exercises that train your abdominals and back are very good for your posture. - Latissimus Dorsi - Abs - Posterior Deltoids - Trapezius - Rhomboids - Spinal Erectors. Machinese that train those muscles are seated rows, or lateral pulldowns. avoid machines that train your pecs. such as a benchpress.

Does the trapezius contract?

Trapezius muscle- located from the skull through the cervical and thoracic vertebrae to the lateral 1/3 of the clavicle and spine of scapula. Function: Elevates, Depresses, Retracts, and rotates the scapula up and down. Innervated by the Spinal Accessory Nerve

Can a defective pelvic girdle give an awkward standing posture?

Yes as the pelvis is the portion that supports our upper body and if it has defectives like ups and downs it can cause bad standing posture.

What would cause upper back pain to the right side of shoulder?

really, really tight upper trapezius muscles. massage helps, so does good posture and not stressing.

What are causes muscle tightness through out body?

Lack of magnesium in the diet, poor posture, lack of flexibility, lack of stretching, dehydration, poor body biomechanics

How do you ease backpain relating to posture?

The back is actually made up of two main muscles on each side - the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi. So, you must be straining one of these as a result of your posture. I actually think you answered your own question by saying the pain is related to your posture. Here is a simple answer: improve your posture! It may not be easy and it may take some time and practice, but in the end standing up tall and sitting straight in a chair with a back will help you. Walk by a mirror, watch your posture, and practice walking straighter. It will help! For short-term relief, a heating patch may help or cream may help, but the long-term solution is to improve your posture.

How do you attain posture?

Nothing is required in order to maintain poor posture. Now, to maintain good posture, one needs to be aware of their body, exercise appropriately, and engage the muscles of the abdomen and back in an effective manner.

Why does my trapezius muscle hurt incredibly bad while doing cardiovascular exercise?

trapezius muscles tend to get over worked by newer runners. what tends to happen is most newer runners slouch forward (subconsciously its your body trying to get the 'workout' over with) and seemingly your body tightens up your trapezius to keep you erect. as to not fall forward. so the consistent strain of up and down on your trapezius leads to a strained muscle. try leaning back with proper or even over extended posture (look at photos of long distance runners) and this should clear it up. if you find that you just cant use this method constant pain creams and ibuprofen will be a daily thing.. trust me, i know. -ricky

Factors for Good Posture?

Good posture is influenced by a combination of factors such as muscle strength and flexibility, joint mobility, body awareness, and ergonomics. Maintaining a strong core, sitting and standing with proper alignment, avoiding prolonged sitting, stretching regularly, and having a supportive work environment can all contribute to maintaining good posture. Additionally, practicing good posture habits consistently and being mindful of body mechanics throughout daily activities are key factors for promoting proper posture.

What can you take for backache while pregnant?

Have you tried a body pillow? I woukd also suggest Tylenol :) Maybe some moderate exercise and stretching on a regular basis. Try paying attention to your posture also.

How can you get short?

To get short, you can focus on exercises and activities that promote stretching and lengthening of the muscles, such as yoga or Pilates. Additionally, maintaining good posture can help prevent compression of the spine and allow you to maintain your height. Remember that your height is largely determined by genetics, so it's important to embrace and love your unique stature.

Types of posture?

Kyphosis Lordisis Flat Back posture Sway Back posture Scoliotic posture Hope it helped :)