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No, Thanksgiving doesn't always fall on the same date every year, just like Easter.

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Q: Does Thanksgiving is on the same day and the same date?
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Related questions

Why does the date of Thanksgiving change but not the day?

Every year the day moves forward once. For example: If your birthday is on Monday the 18th July, next year it will be Tuesday. Thanksgiving will stay the same date but not the day. If thanksgiving is always on a certain day of a month, one year it may be the 17th and the next the 18th but will always be the same day. E.g. Monday 17th 2002, Monday 18th 2003. The federal mandate is for thanksgiving to be on the fourth Thursday of November, not on any particular date.

What date was Thanksgiving in 1973?

Thanksgiving Day was on November 22, 1973.

What was the date of Thanksgiving in 1963?

November 28, 1963 was Thanksgiving Day.

How does the Thanksgiving date change from year to year?

the reason The date of Thanksgiving changes is because the wasy the day is set. Because thnaksgiving is on the fourth thursday of each November, the date will change because the day does not. Like a birthday for example. your birthday might be on a monday this year but a Wednesday next year or the year after. this is because its always the same date. Same thing with thanksgiving but the other way around. thanksgivings day does not change ( the fourth thursday in November) but the date does Hope i helped!!

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It's not really a date but a day. Thanksgiving is the day.

What is the date is the Thanksgiving holiday 2012?

Thanksgiving Day in 2012 is Thursday, November 22nd.

What date is Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States. The exact date changes every year. A legendary Thanksgiving celebration was held in 1621

What is the earliest date Thanksgiving can occur?

Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. Since sometimes there are five Thursdays in November, Thanksgiving may not be on the last Thursday of the month. The earliest date for Thanksgiving is November 22. The latest date for Thanksgiving is November 28.

Does Thanksgiving always fall on Thursday or is the date always the same and the day of the week changes?

Different countries have different versions of Thanksgiving. When thanksgiving is held varies widely by country. This question, though, is likely referring to Thanksgiving in the U.S. In the United States Thanksgiving always falls on the fourth Thursday of November, regardless of the date.

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How often Hanukkah and Thanksgiving happen on the same day?

They never happen at the same time. The latest Diwal can start is mid November. The absolute earliest date Hanukkah can start is the last few days of november, but 90% of the time, it starts in December. A calendar of Diwali dates shows that it won't even be close to Hanukkah (with two weeks of each other) for at least the next 50 years.

What date will thanksgiving fall on in 3011?

You can work it out yourself - each date in the calendar repeats every 11 years. So - since the fourth Thursday in November this is the 24th - then the same date will be on the same day in 2022, 2033 & 2044. I'll leave you to do the rest !