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Q: Does Trade Improve the quality of life of people living in LEDC'S?
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Why are there more people living in LEDCs than MEDCs?

becuase of eternity life

Will ledcs always be poor?

Being a less economically developed country (LEDC) does not necessarily mean that a country will always be poor. With the right policies, investments, and development strategies, LEDCs can improve their economic condition and standard of living over time. Many LEDCs have made progress in recent years in terms of economic growth and poverty reduction.

What improvements have been made to the quality of life in shanty towns?

Improvements to the quality of life in shanty towns have included initiatives like providing access to clean water, sanitation facilities, better housing structures, healthcare services, and education opportunities. NGOs and governments have also worked on upgrading infrastructure, increasing employment opportunities, and enhancing security in these areas to improve the living conditions of residents. Although challenges persist, these efforts have contributed towards enhancing the overall well-being of shanty town residents.

How does globalisation affect people in ledcs?

it makes led less developed and causes problems

Why have LEDCs developed mainly as exporters of raw materials?

LEDCs have developed mainly as exporters of raw materials due to historical colonial exploitation, lack of infrastructure for value addition, and limited access to capital and technology for industrialization. Additionally, global market demand for raw materials has often driven this specialization rather than enabling economic diversification.

Does fair trade benefit retailers more than LEDCs?

why is fair trade good for LEDCs

What the housing problems in shanty towns?

Housing problems in shanty towns include overcrowding, lack of access to clean water and sanitation, poor construction resulting in unsafe living conditions, and lack of infrastructure and basic services such as electricity and proper waste management. These factors contribute to a cycle of poverty and inequality for residents living in shanty towns.

How did LEDCs get into debt with MEDCs?

ledcs ask medcs for money if they need it but over time, medcs charge more and more interest and so the ledcs can't pay it back. medcs also bargain for their resources so when the ledcs are left in debt, with no control over their resources, they end up in poverty.

Why is it good for MEDCs to have TNC headquarters in their country?

One reason is because people are more educated in MEDCs compared to LEDCs - HQs need suffieciently educated employees to manage their money. People in LEDCs are not so well educated and so are more suited to mass production in TNCs.

How Many LEDCs are there?

There are many Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) worldwide, but the exact number can vary depending on the source or classification. The United Nations lists over 30 countries as Least Developed Countries (LDCs), which generally align with the concept of LEDCs.

Can you name 10 LEDCs?


Is Argentina a medcs or ledcs country?
