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Q: Does Tylenol 3 make you drowsy while driving a car?
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Does Tylenol with codeine make you drowsy while driving?

Codeine is metabolized into morphine by the liver. This is a powerful opiate. Depending on the strength of the tablets and if your body is used to them they will cause drowsiness. Lower doses may not give drowsiness, but a larger dose tablet will make you drowsy as well as other side effects.

Can you take Tylenol pm with buspirone?

Answer- There are no listed contraindications of taking buspirone hydrochloride (BuSpar) and diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Benedryl) together. HOWEVER, BuSpar is an antianxiety drug that can make you drowsy and Benedryl is an antihistimine that can certainly make you feel drowsy and sleepy. If you need you take both (ask your physician), be very careful driving. The combo can make you fall asleep behind the wheel, and recent studies show that taking Benedryl and driving can mimic DRUNK DRIVING. Good Luck.....<<<ADR>>>

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Some medicines can make you drowsy and naseus.

Will flucloxacillin make you drowsy?

Taking it now and it does seem to make me drowsy

How do the 2064 and 3 pills make you feel?

Another way to reword "2064 and 3" pills is to say Tylenol with Codeine. The side effect of this medication can cause someone to be drowsy.

Can you take Tylenol while taking zocor?

Tylenol and Zocor do not interact. Just make sure you take the Tylenol as directed on the packaging and the Zocor as directed by your doctor.

Can you take Ativan while on Benadryl?

No you do not want to take two medications that make you drowsy at the same time.

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Acetaminophen shouldn't make you drowsy, but the chlorphenamine might make you drowsy, as most antihistamines will.

Can Tylenol make you bleed while pregnant?

Tylenol does not thin your blood and is the only safe pain reliever to take during pregnancy.

What does non drowsy mean?

Non drowsy means that it doesn't make you sleepy

Is it ok to take clonidine while taking methadone?

Yes but it will make you drowsy & your blood pressure will go down.

Do energy drinks make you drowsy?

an energy drink can make you drowsy but that's only if you burn of some energy but it would be hard to believe that it eould make you drowsy by its self.... i guess it depends on how much you have had