

Does UK law allow polygamous marriages?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Does UK law allow polygamous marriages?
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Yes, marriages from all faiths are recognised in the UK as long as they are conducted in accordance with the law.

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There has never been a law allowing same sex marriages in the UK. Recently Civil Unions have been introduced which are in most ways similar to marriages.

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Muslim marriages are not legally recognised in UK law but marriage in Gambia by 'justices' is legally binding in the UK. However if you are already legally married in the UK then you shouldn't marry another person of any religion until you are legally divorced - it would be fraudulent if not bigamism.

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No, but there are caveats within the law that allow your homework to be completed anyway. See the link below for details.

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No, the UK don't allow out of country adoptions with it's citizens. A 16yo in the UK can move out and live in his own according to the law.

Does a Muslim have to have an arranged marriage?

In the UK, nobody is compelled by law to have an arranged marriage, but some Muslim groups, and other groups, feel happier with arranged marriages - it's a matter of cultural heritage.

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They are perfectly legal. In England and Wales, they can lead to marriage beginning in March 29, 2014. In Scotland, marriages may begin in October 2014.

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US marriages must be dissolved in the state in which they occur.

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I can fly (20 seconds later)i hit my head

Why are Muslim marriages not recognized in the UK?

Many Muslim couples marry under a religious ceremony called the Nikah that is not legally recognized in the UK. In jurisdictions such as the UK and the US, marriage is a civil legal status acquired through a legal civil ceremony. In addition to the Nikah, a civil marriage must be performed at a Registry office according to UK law. Otherwise the marriage is not valid and the parties do not acquire any enforceable legal rights.The laws do not single out Muslim marriages in this instance. Any marriage performed by only a religious ceremony would not be legally recognized.