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Q: Does US law apply in Puerto Rico?
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Is a Power of attorney written in the United States valid in Puerto Rico?

As Puerto Rico is a US possession, the laws valid and applicable everywhere in the US would apply in Puerto Rico as well.

Does Puerto Rico have an army?

Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States. Puerto Rico defense is provided by US goverment. Puerto Rico is like a state of the union. Same rules apply.

When did Puerto Rico become us citizen?

Foraker Law 1917

How does Puerto Rico money looks?

Puerto Rico is an US territory. Puerto Rico use the US dollar($). All citizens born in Puerto Rico are US citizens.

Does Puerto Rico have the same government as the US?

Yes and No. Puerto Rico follows the same federal laws. However, Puerto Rico has its own Consitution which is modeled after Civil Law. They have a governor, house of representatives and two representatives in the US Congress.

Is Puerto Rico its own country?

No, it's a non-incorporated US territory (or colony, if you wish).

Which is nearer to the US Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Island?

Puerto Rico.

Does Puerto Rico Electric Power allow Cogeneration hookups to small private customers?

All US Federal guildlines apply to Puerto Rico, so tha answer is Yes

Can a us citizen live in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico is a US Territory and its inhabitants are US Citizens! So, if they are US Citizens, any US citizen can live in Puerto Rico.

How did Puerto Rico become us territory?

Puerto Rico

What power does the president of Puerto Rico have?

There is no President of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is part of the US, so the President of the United States is the head of state for Puerto Rico, as for the rest of the US.

Which country's residents became citizen of the US in 1917?

Puerto Rico