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Q: Does Valium effect as man's ability to keep a erection?
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Related questions

What is the best way to keep an erection?

The best way to keep an erection is to stay aroused.

Does clogged arteries keep you from getting a erection?


How does one maintain an erection?

To maintain an erection , keep thinking of things you find erotic. Also there are many drugs like viagra that help.

How do you keep an erection with a condom on if you find trouble doing so from time to time but don't have trouble maintaining an erection when not wearing a condom?

dont have a wank for a whole week you get well horny and your erection will last longer

What should you do if your boyfriend gets an erection if you kiss him?

Good job, keep kissing him!

You always get an erection when you see this girl what can you do to not have an erection when you are around her?

Eat ice cream. It's scientifically proved to keep your erection down. I have the same problem with my girlfriend. It really helped. --- Why would you not want an erection around her? It feels good and if she likes it you might find even more pleasurable things to do together.

Is it harder for a fifty year old man to keep an erection?


What is the ability of the Earths atmosphere to trap heat and keep us warm?

The greenhouse effect (greenhouse gases capture heat radiating up from the earth).

How do you keep from letting a girl know you have a erection when she sits on your lap?

try and hold it down with your thighs

Does male sexual anhedonia impact fertility and sperm counts?

No, but since Anhedonia is seen in mood disorders, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, schizoid personality disorder and other mental disorders can the medicine to cure or keep it under control affect your ability to get an erection etc.

How does alcohol effect the skeletal system?

I am quoting this from "How_can_alcohol_affect_the_skeletal_system""Alcoholism weakens the skeletal system by reducing the ability of the body to absorb and use calcium to keep the bones strong.":D

How long do you keep a cock ring on?

until you jizz your pants It is recommend that you do not wear it over 20 minutes. I have worn mine for hours (without an erection) and have had no problems. Because if maintains my erection, once I have had an orgasm, I remove it until my erection has completely gone away.