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Yes it does. Because of its texture it stops the blood from flowing out. make sure you follow these steps though

1-Clean out the wound/cut

2-Dry it

3-Apply the vaseline


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Q: Does Vaseline stop bleeding
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I say put warm water and lotion on it lotion first then rinse

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Its actually common sense add Vaseline or any of the flavours, lip smacker, baby lips, or the best one is Carmex lip balm fore cold sores.

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Stop the Bleeding was created in 1990.

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Adrenaline (epinephrine) can help stop bleeding because it is a vasoconstrictor.

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platelets is what forms to help you stop bleeding

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Something that acts to stop bleeding (hemo=blood statis=stop).

Does putting ice on a cut stop the bleeding?

No. It will reduce swelling only. Pressure will stop bleeding.

What should you place by or beside a wound to stop bleeding?

A gauze bandage can be used to stop bleeding.

Due to excessive use of vaseline my lips had become black what should I do to recover?

I am not sure what to do if your lips are are turning black from Vaseline. I would tell you to stop using it and go see a doctor.There is only one thing I can tell you to do if your lips turning black from Vaseline. The only thing I can say is to stop using it.

What is the substance applied to boxers faces during matches and why?

It is vaseline or a similar substance, and its purpose is to make the face slippery to reduce friction with the leather of the opponents gloves. The intent is to reduce the possibility that the glove pulls the skin so as to cause a cut. METAL PACKED IN DRY ICE TO MOVE SWELLINH AWAY FROM THE EYE AREA.COAGULANT TO STOP BLEEDING AND CLOSE THE CUT. ADRENALINE USE TO STOP RADICAL BLEEDING.

Will a female dog stop bleeding if she is pregnant?

It will stop bleeding after a while or it will not bleed at all