

Does Vicodin have aspirin in it?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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I think you mean does Vicodin have aspirin. The answer is no, Vicodin contains 2 active ingredients, Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen (Tylenol). How much of either ingredient varies depending on the prescription. On your prescription label you will see 2 numbers they will be something like 5/325 or 5/500. This is the mixture of Hydrocodone to APAP (Acetaminophen), the 5, 10, 25 will be the amount of Hydrocodone and the 325 or 500 will be the APAP (Acetaminophen). There are several different combinations depending on the manufacturer but they all do basically the same thing. All you are worried about is the amount of Hydrocodone, this is the ingredient that provides MOST of the pain relief. Unless you have problems with nausea, then you will want to insist the 325mg varieties as the APAP is what causes nausea and other gastrointestinal (digestive) problems. Be careful when taking these medications though, Acetaminophen is HIGHLY dangerous. Taking more than 4000mg/day can cause SERIOUS liver damage. Not to mention Hydrocodone is HIGHLY addictive.

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are you sure your not on 7.5mg. hydrocodone and 750 mg. of tylenol. There is NO aspirin in M357 pills. They contain acetaminophen and hydrocodone 500mg / 5mg. As for 750mg / 7.5mg combination, it is found in M360 generic Vicodin pills made by Mallinckrodt Pharms.

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Yes, I have been on paxil for years, I also have been on allot of pain killers. everything from aspirin, Tylenol, Vicodin, and morphine.

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Codeine, dihydrocodine (Vicodin), technically tramadol, and their combinations with Tylenol, aspirin, etc.

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Your pretty much limited to tylenol, ibuprofen and aspirin.

Can you mix vicodine and aspirin?

Yes. The main problem may be stomach irritation.

Will taking 4 aspirin mask vicodin before a urine test?

Umm.. No. But if it makes you feel better, by all means!

Does Vicodin have aspirin?

you shouldn't because if you have the normal kind not the actual pure hydrocodone then it already has acetaminophen in it which is the same thing as aspirin has in it so its pretty much the same so no you shouldn't because it can ruin your liver to have to much of this drug not hydrocodone but the acetaminophen will just take it without aspirin if your pain is that bad you should go to the docs and see if they can get you a higher dosage! hope you feel better soon <3

Is vicoden an anti inflammatory?

No, Vicodin is an opiate (hydrocodone) preparation with paracetamol (acetaminophen). There are no anti-imflammatory propeties of vicodin so the prepation can be safely administered with NSAIDs (except aspirin due its molecular similarities with paracetamol). Hope this helps