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Volar Motorsport Chain is a high quality chain. I bought this along with new sprockets for 1000RR. So far, 1158 miles, the chain has been great. Really like the price.

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Q: Does Volar make good motorcycle chain?
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What is the purpose of the chain and sprocket in a motorcycle?

To provide power from the motor to the rear wheel in which to make it go

Do you have to make good grades to keep your motorcycle license?

No, you just have to be a safe driver.

Did dodge make a motorcycle?

Yes, the motorcycle is not street legal and they did not make many

How can you make your 110cc ATV go faster?

If your 110cc ATV is chain driven then the easiest way would be to change the sprockets and chain. By updating the front sprockets (driven sprockets) replacing them with more teeth and the rear sprockets (the one on the axle of the motorcycle) having less teeth then you change the gearing making the bike go faster. The best thing to do is to go to a motorcycle shop and explain what kind of bike you have and which sprockets and chain would be suitable - remember - front sprocket more teeth and rear sprocket less teeth... Good luck

How do you make a clay motorcycle?

Putting your clay into a motorcycle shape

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Motercycle technians can make anywhere from $30/hour to $150/hour it all depends how good you are and where you work.

Is it possible to make a motorcycle look like yuseis motorcycle?

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Because he found out that DJ is black. And it amazed him to the point where he has to make a motorcycle.

How can someone make a charm necklace?

Anyone can make a charm necklace, all they need is a chain and a couple of items that mean something to them that can be hung off the chain. It's a simple case of fitting your charms onto your chain and then you're good to go.

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Why is your motorcycle just making a clicking sound?

When the engine back fires, The chain slaps the chain guard so hard that it puts a kink on the guard causing the chain to click everytime it goes around... The kawasaki engineers failed to make a bigger clearance opening on the chain guard but they never expected the back fire to cause such a delema... or perhaps they just wanted job security? Considering the times, not such a bad idea??