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Q: Does Vyvanse show up as MDMA?
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What will Vyvanse show up as in a drug sceen?

Vyvanse will show up as an amphetamine in both urine and drug testing.

Will Vyvanse show up in a urine drug test?

Vyvanse show up in both urine and blood tests as an amphetamine.

Celexa and vyvanse?

Yes, makes me particularly happy. Almost as if im on mdma.

What does Vyvanse show up as in a drug test?

It will show up as Amphetamine (whether legal: adderall, dexedrine, and vyvanse, or illegal: speed). Unfortunately they can not tell which you took, all it is to them is "AMPHETAMINE". SO unless you have a valid prescription you should be fine (not in all cases).

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Would Vyvanse show up as PCP on a urine drug screen? does not show up as PCP. But it does in fact show up as an Amphetamine.

Can Vyvanse show up as dextroamphetamine in a drug test?

Yes; Vyvanse is a prodrug for dextroamphetamine. Vyvanse contains a bonded chemical containing dextroamphetamine and l-lysine.

Will Vyvanse show up on drug test?

Yes, it will. It will show up in both blood and urine tests as an amphetamine.

Will metadate show up the same as vyvance in a drug test?

no, Metadate is methylphenidate and it won't show up as anything, Vyvanse is lisdexamfetamine, a prodrug of amphetamine, and will show up as such

How long does it take for Vyvanse to not show up on a drug test?

12 to 14 hours

What other drugs show up in the same category as Vyvanse on a urine drug screening?

Vyvanse is an amphetamine, so any other amphetamines (Adderal, Concerta (most ADD meds), Methamphetamine, MDMA, and pseudo-ephedrine) will show up in the same category. However, the excuse "I failed for amphetamines because I'm on pseudo-ephedrine (an easily obtained nasal decongestant) can only be used if they are not sending the sample off to a lab. If it is just a home drug test that your mom is using, you can say your friend gave you a Pseudofed for your stuffed nose.

What will Vyvanse show up as?

I'm assuming that you referring to what it will show up as on a drug test. This medication will show as an amphetamine or if they do a more in depth test dextroamphetamine (the active ingredient).