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i found that i didn't get a rash after waxing whereas i did when i shaved or used veet xx

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Q: Does Waxing pubic hair eliminate rashes as oppose to shaving or is it the same?
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What are the negative effects of girl shaving legs?

sometimes you can get cuts or rashes

Can shaving cream cause cancer?

It can irritate sensitive skin. I find using shea butter instead helps rashes after shaving my legs.

Are there methods to prevent rashes after shaving?

You could try a post-shave cream/moisturiser

Why does a coochy shaving cream give me rashes?

your probably allergic to it and the razor might have been dirty.

Is bikini waxing healthy?

It is not necessarily dangerous, but most dermatologists don't recommend it. This is simply because it can make your skin more prone to rashes and irritation.

Can vaginal dryness cause bumps?

Maybe. Typically Bumps or Rashes, can occur from shaving or other benign activity. , but may be signs of infection from STD's.

Immediate solution for rashes caused due to waxing?

my knees and elbows are very black than the other areas. give me solution which gives me result with few days

Test The Area?

When using a bikini trimmer, it is best to test an area of the skin before completely shaving the entire area. You can also use a shaving cream or gel on the area to soften the hair before using the trimmer. If the area that you tested does not get irritated, then it is probably safe to trim the bikini area. Use a gentle lotion after shaving if there are any red bumps or rashes.

What are the advantages of using depilatory creams?

Bikini area are sensitive areas of our body. Moreover the area has lesser visibility and accessibility when it comes to waxing. Many women resort to salon for such waxing such sensitive areas. However modern waxing creams and strips are easy to use and have helped many women prefer home waxing over salon. Razors can give rashes or cuts if you frequently wax bikini line using them. In contract creams and strips are safe and also painless.

Can you show a list of body rashes?

- - - Arm Pit Rashes Leg Rashes Nose Rashes Ear Rashes - - -

What is a barber itch?

A barber's itch is any of a number of rashes or skin eruptions in the moustache or beard, caused by fungal or staphylococcal infections or irritation from shaving.

How do you get rid of hairs on your belly without causing them thicker?

well, you need to pull them out some how. there is waxing (which hurts) or tweezers (which also hurts). there are some chemical things you could try, but they usually sting or leave rashes or something. shaving is preferable, and doesnt actually make the hair thicker. its just that at the tip of the hair, its thin, and as it goes down it gets thicker. so really, you are just cutting off the top, and letting the thicker, lower part of the hair grow