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No. WikiAnswers does not know all the answers. The WikiAnswers website only knows as much as the contributors that give the answers and the contributors only know so much since, as humans beings, we all still have questions about many different things that we can't find the answer to.

But that doesn't mean the contributors on WikiAnswers don't have a great amount of knowledge to be shared.

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Q: Does WikiAnswers really know all the answers?
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Why are all of the answers on WikiAnswers completely useless?

Not all answers on WikiAnswers are useless. Usually unhelpful answers are posted by WikiAnswers users who don't know what they are doing, and post answers to questions even if they don't really know the answer. If you find an answer on WikiAnswers that is unhelpful, you can remove it or flag it for improvement using the tools on the blue bar on your left.

How do you know everything

Wikianswers does not really know anything. All of its answers are user submitted, who either happen to know the answer, or they research the answer to provide it to you.

How does WikiAnswers know all of the answers to these questions?

Wikianswers does not answer your questions. It is people from around the globe on the internet that answer the questions.

Does know anything?

Technically, no. Answers is a questions and answers website. (Thus, the name: WikiAnswers.) All of its content is contributed by either users or guests of WikiAnswers.

Why does WikiAnswers doesn't WORK?

because we don't know all the answers in the world

Why does wikianswers not know anything?

Wikianswers is a wiki, not a person and therefore cannot technically know anything. All answers provided are from people who use the site.

Are all the answers on WikiAnswers complete and right or not?

There is no way to guarantee that the answers on WikiAnswers are all 100% correct.

What are all the different answers to 1 plus 1?

1+1 could equal 2 or 0. If you want know why, make an account and send me a wikianswers message (im wincogirls96) i know you really wanna know how those are the answers so send me a message!!!

How could you clean WikiAnswers?

We could all clean wiki answers by taking away all the really stupid questions.

Do you really have all the answers WikiAnswers?

Well...considering that WikiAnswers depends on contributors, like you, then the answer is yes. Potentially. The collective community potentially has ALL the answers. I doubt that the Human race knows all of the answers, however they will have a go at answering nearly all of the questions and then some one else wil try to correct them.

Does WikiAnswers have all the answers in the world?

It has the answers to all of the questions in the world except this one.

How correct are the answers on WikiAnswers?

All answers are 100% accurate and we at wikiAnswers check each and every answer to make sure they are correct.