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16 year old is a way kid, not a father. Those impregnated kids are making their own situation and never say sorry about what they did, never think they are useless, nothing but a problem to society and God, so those kids should know everybody think they should be dead by putting them into death sentence.

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Q: Does a 16 year old father have to support his child finandialy?
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If you send your child to the father for a year should you be required to send him the child support money back?

Yes, its child support. If the money is not used to support the child then its being misused. Alimony would be to support you. If the father is looking after the child, then he should not be paying child support to the mother - she doesn't have the cost of looking after the child at that time. In fact, the mother may well be in a position to send chilod support to the father - it goes both ways and she is responsible for the child just as much as the father is.

Does a father to a 19 year old still have to pay child support?

no. not at all

If Father wants to keep his 3 year old daughter overnight does he have a right to do this if the mother does not agree. He does not support his child financially.?

He is the father and not to allow him his child would hurt the child. Take him to family court for the support.

Can a 27-year-old sue for back support if the father did not know that he was the father?

No, in order for a lawsuit for child support arrearages to be valid the support order needs to have been in affect before the child reached the age of majority.

If one child is 15 and lives with mom and the other child is 18 and lives with dad Does the dad have to pay child support for the 15 year old?

Yes, the father will need to pay child support in order to support his child. You are responsible for supporting your child until they reach the age of 18.

Child support for 17 year old child not living at home of either parent?

No. You have remember that "support" is what the (usually) father pays the mother for the upkeep of the child. If the child moves out, the mother is no longer supporting the child and the father no longer needs to pay her.

Can you seek child support from father after 23 years?

In general, the courts will not initiate support for a 23-year-old child (past-due support, owed from when the child was a minor, is another matter), unless the child is severely handicapped.

What percentage does a father pay for child support if he has child for half the year in New York?

In general, child support is a percentage of net income. If the obligor has the child for an extended period of time, the court may suspend support for that period.

Can a 32 year old adult child collect back child support fom her biological father in North Carolina?


Can the father collect child support if a 17 year old in a shared custody no child support situation chooses to live with him?

Yes, as long as the legal custody schedule is changed, child support can also be adjusted.

Does a father have to pay child support when he did not know he had a child for over a year?

Techincally yes, but if he doesn't know that he has s childe then the court maybe will grant him partial child support in your case